Newsarama is an American website that publishes news, interviews, and essays about the American comic book industry.
Newsarama began in the summer of 1995 as a series of Internet forum postings on the Prodigy comic book message boards by fan Mike Doran. In these short messages, Doran shared comic book news items he had found across the World Wide Web and, as these postings became more regularly and widely read, he gave them the title "Prodigy Comic Book Newswire."
In January 1997, Doran began to post a version of the column titled The Comics Newswire on Usenet's various rec.arts.comics communities. The name of the column evolved to The Newswire and then CBI Newsarama before finally becoming Newsarama in 1998.
The posts quickly became popular due to the speed of reporting via the Internet. This meant Doran could break stories faster than other comic book news sources which appeared in printed publications, as these had to be fully edited weeks before they were released. By the time other online comic journalists came on the scene, Newsarama already had become an established brand. Although the column in its earliest forms reported both news and rumours, it later adopted a standard journalistic news approach.