The New World is one of the names used for the Western Hemisphere, specifically the Americas (including nearby islands such as those of the Caribbean and Bermuda).
The term originated in the early 16th century after Europeans made landfall in what would later be called the Americas in the age of discovery, expanding the geographical horizon of classical geographers, who had thought of the world as consisting of Africa, Europe, and Asia, collectively now referred to as the Old World (aka Afro-Eurasia).
The term was first coined by Florentine explorer Amerigo Vespucci. The Americas were also referred to as the "fourth part of the world".
The terms "Old World" vs. "New World" are meaningful in historical context and for the purpose of distinguishing the world's major ecozones, and to classify plant and animal species that originated therein.
One can speak of the "New World" in a historical context, e.g., when discussing the voyages of Christopher Columbus, the Spanish conquest of Yucatán and other events of the colonial period. For lack of alternatives, the term is also still useful to those discussing issues which concern the Americas and the nearby oceanic islands, such as Bermuda and Clipperton Island, collectively. This usage is seen as problematic by many for its narrowness of perspective and implication that discovery by European explorers was the beginning of history for the Americas.
New World wines are those wines produced outside the traditional wine-growing areas of Europe and the Middle East, in particular from Argentina, Australia, Chile, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States. The phrase connotes a distinction between these "New World" wines and those wines produced in "Old World" countries with a long-established history of wine production — most notably, France, Italy, Germany, Spain and Portugal.
Alcoholic beverages were made by indigenous peoples of the Americas before the Age of Discovery. Indigenous peoples are known to have used maize, potatoes, quinua, pepper tree fruits and strawberries to make alcoholic beverages. Despite the existence of species of the vitis genus (to which Vitis vinifera belongs) in Venezuela, Colombia, Central America and Mexico indigenous peoples did not ferment these species and therefore did not make wine.
Spanish settlers in the Americas initially brought Old World animals and plants to the Americas for self-consumption in their attempt to reproduce the diet they had in Spain and Europe. A further stimulus for the production of New World wine in Spanish America might have been that European wines exported to the Americas were in general not transported in bottles nor sealed with cork which made them prone to be sour.
1602: New World is a five-issue Marvel Comics limited series and is the sequel to the 1602 limited series, and as such is set in the year 1602 in the same continuity as the original series and picks up where 1602 left off. This time the story is written by Greg Pak and illustrated by Greg Tocchini.
The story takes place largely on Roanoke Island, which is governed by Ananias Dare. His daughter Virginia and Peter Parquagh (this world's Spider-Man) are fighting an invasion of dinosaurs, and tensions between the colonists and native Americans are increasing, with Englishman Norman Osborne attempting to cheat the natives out of the island. Unrest about metahumans is also increasing, led by newspaperman J. Jonah Jameson. Osbourne is quick to blame this on the natives and Rojhaz (this world's Captain America).
This world's Hulk (David Banner) has apparently killed King James, and is wondering where his allegiances lie. He is identified on Roanoke Island by Peter. Banner is an enemy of the colony after attempting to kill Sir Nicholas Fury, and is almost executed, but is reprieved and taken by the dinosaurs.
Time people might say
Isn't it grand and sometimes unfair?
Climb as high as you can
Talk to the stars and kiss them for me
Is this your world? So far away
All that you know, all gone away
Life isn't it vague?
Haziness, thoughts of one's reason to live
Fly so far away
Over the clouds and wait for me there
Is this your world? So far away
All that you know, all gone away, so far away
As I watched the sun touch down
To the last point of a dark, pale, violent night
Endless thoughts flowed through my mind
Like faint rainbows caressing the skies
We are the new world love clan
Crimes based on position
Not of a constant just a transition
Love is what they say
Binding the last safe thing but steals it away
Is this your world? So far away
All that you know, all gone away
Is this your world? So far away
All that you know, all gone away