New Era may refer to:
New Era was a ship that wrecked on November 13, 1854, off of present-day Asbury Park, New Jersey, coincidentally at almost the identical location the SS Morro Castle ran aground in 1934 after a devastating fire that had killed 137 crew and passengers.
New Era was built in Bath, Maine as an emigrant ship of 1328 tons in 1854 and set sail on this its first voyage on September 28. The ship was carrying nearly all German emigrants having sailed from Bremen, Germany with a final destination of New York. The crossing was difficult with 40 passengers being lost to cholera during the journey. It was later reported that New Era was a leaky ship with both crew and passengers required to man pumps during the voyage.
New Era grounded in a dense fog in the morning hours of the 13th after a 46-day voyage across the Atlantic.
On September 15, 2012 an archeological search was performed with ground penetrating radar in an attempt to locate a memorial marker lost to the sea shortly after it was placed in 1893 by Asbury Park founder James A. Bradley. The monument was not found.
New Era is the debut album of Finnish power metal pioneer Timo Tolkki's band, Revolution Renaissance. After Tolkki's split from Stratovarius in 2008 he used what fan's knew the album to be titled R... R.... as the namesake for his new project. Using material he had written for Stratovarius's upcoming album, Tolkki's New Era features the talents of German power metal vocalist Tobias Sammet and German singer Michael Kiske among others.
Standing on a corner
Nothing on my mind
When walked past a woman
She looked my kind
I said a hey there woman
What you got to do
She took one look at me and said baby
I'd like to be with you
Hold on
Wait a minute woman
I ain't the kind to phase
And I ain't that kind of woman, baby
So she says
She led me to a dwellin'
Just along the street
The best part of town baby
We gotta be discreet
Hold on (Hold on)
Got to the apartment
Number six sixteen
My, what a place it was
Best I've ever seen
She headed to the bedroom
Came upon the door
Wait a minute, darling
While I slip into something cool
I was getting excited
One thing on mind
When she rushed out of the bedroom
Said You'd better hide
She slowed me my movements
He caught me by the door
What was left on me, baby
Was landing on the floor
Hold On