
The ankh (play /ˈæŋk/ or /ˈɑːŋk/; U+2625 ☥ or U+132F9 𓋹), also known as key of life, the key of the Nile or crux ansata (Latin meaning "cross with a handle"), was the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic character that read "eternal life", a triliteral sign for the consonants -n-. Egyptian gods are often portrayed carrying it by its loop, or bearing one in each hand, arms crossed over their chest.


Origin [link]

in hieroglyphs
S34 n

The origin of the symbol remains a mystery to Egyptologists, and no single hypothesis has been widely accepted. One of the earliest suggestions is that of Thomas Inman, first published in 1869:[2]

It is by Egyptologists called the symbol of life. It is also called the "handled cross", or crux ansata. It represents the male triad and the female unit, under a decent form. There are few symbols more commonly met with in Egyptian art. In some remarkable sculptures, where the sun's rays are represented as terminating in hands, the offerings which these bring are many a crux ansata, emblematic of the truth that a fruitful union is a gift from the deity.
Merenptah offering an ankh, djed, and was to Ptah
The ankh, during the reign of Hatshepsut (1508–1458 BC), from the Royal Ontario Museum

E. A. Wallis Budge postulated that the symbol originated as the belt-buckle of the mother goddess Isis,[citation needed] an idea joined by Wolfhart Westendorf with the notion that both the ankh and the knot of Isis were used in many ceremonies.[citation needed] Sir Alan Gardiner speculated that it depicts a sandal strap, with the loop going around the ankle.[citation needed] The word for sandal strap was also spelled ꜥnḫ, although it may have been pronounced differently.

In their 2004 book The Quick and the Dead,[3] Andrew Hunt Gordon and Calvin W. Schwabe speculated that the ankh, djed, and was symbols have a biological basis derived from ancient cattle culture (linked to the Egyptian belief that semen was created in the spine), thus:

  • the ankh, symbol of life, thoracic vertebra of a bull (seen in cross section)
  • the djed, symbol of stability, base on sacrum of a bull's spine
  • the was, symbol of power and dominion, a staff featuring the head and tail of the god Set, "great of strength"

Egyptian academics, in particular those at the University of Cairo, argue that the ankh has been over-interpreted and that it is representative of the pivotal role of the Nile in the country.[citation needed] The oval head is said to represent the Nile delta, with the vertical mark representing the path of the river and the East and West arms representing the two sides of the country and their unification.[citation needed]

History [link]

The ankh appears frequently in Egyptian tomb paintings and other art, often at the fingertips of a god or goddess in images that represent the deities of the afterlife conferring the gift of life on the dead person's mummy; this is thought to symbolize the act of conception.[citation needed] Additionally, an ankh was often carried by Egyptians as an amulet, either alone, or in connection with two other hieroglyphs that mean "strength" and "health" (see explication of djed and was, above). Mirrors of beaten metal were also often made in the shape of an ankh, either for decorative reasons or to symbolize a perceived view into another world.[citation needed]

Mika Waltari, who wrote the fictionalized documentary/novel The Egyptian in 1949, wrote of the origin of monotheistic culture in ancient Egypt, where the ankh first appeared as the symbol of this following. The first pharaoh to take on the name "ankh" within his own was the well known boy king, Tut-ankh-amon. According to this young king's father, Amun was the only God, symbolized by the sun resting on the horizon; thus the circle resting on a horizontal bar. It is a common misconception that Tutankhamon did not die a natural death, but was challenged in to a situation which brought about his injury and death. This, allegedly, (and quite possibly, through romantized fiction) was performed by those against this early monotheism.

A symbol similar to the ankh appears frequently in Minoan and Mycenaean sites. This is a combination of the sacral knot (symbol of holiness) with the double-edged axe (symbol of matriarchy)[4] but it can be better compared with the Egyptian tyet which is similar. This symbol can be recognized on the two famous figurines of the chthonian Snake Goddess discovered in the palace of Knossos. Both snake goddesses have a knot with a projecting loop cord between their breasts.[5] In the Linear B (Mycenean Greek) script, ankh is the phonetic sign za.[6]

Ankh symbol
Crux ansata in Codex Glazier

The ankh also appeared frequently in coins from ancient Cyprus and Asia Minor (particularly the city of Mallus in Cilicia).[7] In some cases, especially with the early coinage of King Euelthon of Salamis, the letter ku, from the Cypriot syllabary, appeared within the circle ankh, representing Ku(prion) (Cypriots). To this day, the ankh is also used to represent the planet Venus (the namesake of which, the goddess Venus or Aphrodite, was chiefly worshipped on the island) and the metal copper (the heavy mining of which gave Cyprus its name).

David P. Silverman notes how the depiction of the ancient Egyptian ankh was preserved by the Copts in their representation of the Christian cross, the coptic cross.[8]

Modern use [link]

The ankh is one of the best and most widely known symbols of ancient Egypt and it is often used as the graphic synonym for this ancient culture. Due to this context, as well as due to the fact that many pictures of Egyptian gods and goddesses contained the symbol ankh in their hands, this symbol was adopted as a symbol of modern religion called Kemetism (although different Gnostic sects have long used this symbol), which is reconstructing the ancient Egyptian religion at the present. Many neo-pagan, New Age, and pagan sects wear the ankh as a symbol of power and wisdom or to show that they honor the Egyptian pantheon. It is commonly seen in jewelry such as rings and necklaces and despite its earlier uses it is cast in silver (versus the gold or copper the ancients used).

  • Professional wrestler Christopher Daniels has a tattoo of the ankh on his chest.
  • The ankh is a frequently recurring element in the video game series Ultima, being the main symbol of the in-game religion, where it represents power and virtue.
  • In the MMORPG game World of Warcraft, it is used for characters known as Shamans to cast Reincarnation
  • In the movie Logan's Run the ankh is the key to freedom
  • In the first series of the Nickelodeon show House of Anubis the Cup of Ankh is the treasure the characters search for.
  • A stylized ankh is also the symbol of the gothic metal band Theatres des Vampires.
  • Guitarist Vinnie Vincent used the ankh for makeup design while a member of the rock group Kiss.
  • Death, a character in Neil Gaiman's Sandman series, wears the ankh as a necklace.
  • The ankh is also used as a symbol in The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan.
  • The ankh was used as symbol of eternal life in Canadian TV series Dark Oracle.
  • The ankh was used by experimental Jazz musician Sun Ra in his performances and album covers.
  • The ankh is used in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series of novels as part of the capital city, Ankh-Morpork.
  • The AnkhSVN software, a client for the Subversion source control management system, derives its name from the ankh.
  • The DC Comics character Doctor Fate is frequently shown using powers or symbology that includes the Ankh.
  • The Ankh is held by a statue in the show LOST.
  • The Ankh is frequently shown in the music video of the Ace of Base song "The Sign".

See also [link]

References [link]

Bibliography [link]

  • Collier, Mark and Manley, Bill. How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs: Revised Edition. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998.
  • Salaman, Clement and Van Oyen, Dorine and Wharton, William D. and Mahé, Jean-Pierre (translation) (2000). The Way of Hermes: New Translations of The Corpus Hermeticum and The Definitions of Hermes Trismegistus to Asclepius. Rochester: Inner Traditions. 
  • Three Initiates (1912). The Kybalion. Chicago: The Yogi Publication Society Masonic Temple. 

Notes [link]

  1. ^ Collier, Mark and Manley, Bill. How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs: Revised Edition pg 23. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998.
  2. ^ Inman, Thomas. Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism, Second Edition. New York: J. W. Bouton, 706 Broadway. Published 1875. Page 44. ISBN 978-1-4209-2987-4.
  3. ^ Gordon, Andrew Hunt; Schwabe, Calvin W., The Quick and the Dead: Biomedical Theory in Ancient Egypt, First Edition. Leiden ; Boston : Brill : Styx, 2004. ISBN 90-04-12391-1
  4. ^ F. Schachermeyer.(1964) "Die Minoische Kultur des alten Kreta" pp.161,163,164
  5. ^ Cristopher L.C.E Witcombe. "Minoan snake goddess. 9:Snake charmers
  6. ^ M. Ventris, J. Chadwick
  7. ^ The Cambridge Ancient History, Cambridge University Press;
  8. ^ "Egyptian Religion", David P. Silverman, p. 135, Oxford University Press US, 2003, ISBN 0-19-521952-X

External links [link]

List of Kamen Rider OOO characters

This is a list of characters of the 2010-2011 Japanese tokusatsu series Kamen Rider OOO.

Eiji Hino

Eiji Hino (火野 映司 Hino Eiji) is a young man desire to helps others while traveling. When he falls asleep during his part-time job at the museum, Eiji unwittingly becomes entangled in the chain of events that occurred after the Greeed were released and gains the ability to become Kamen Rider OOO (仮面ライダーオーズ Kamen Raidā Ōzu) to fight them.

Eiji Hino is portrayed by Shu Watanabe (渡部 秀 Watanabe Shū).



Ankh-Morpork is a fictional city-state which features prominently in Terry Pratchett's Discworld fantasy novels.


Pratchett describes this biggest city of Discworld as on the far side of corrupt and polluted, and as subject to outbreaks of comedic violence and brouhaha on a fairly regular basis. Ankh-Morpork is also the mercantile capital of the Discworld. As the series proceeds, Ankh-Morpork is more and more portrayed as multi-cultural (which in this case means multi-species, with increasingly prominent populations of creatures such as dwarves, trolls, vampires, gnomes, bogeymen, zombies and werewolves) and struggling with modern real-world challenges. Even when it is under attack from a dragon, the vegetable carts still have to come in.

In The Art of Discworld Pratchett explains that the city is similar to Tallinn and central Prague, but adds that it has elements of 18th-century London, 19th-century Seattle and modern New York City. He also states that since the creation of The Streets of Ankh-Morpork, he has tried to ensure that the descriptions of character movements and locations in the books match the Ankh-Morpork map; this has allowed him, and fans of the series, to visualise the story more clearly. Ankh-Morpork is also referred to as "The Great [or Big] Wahoonie" on occasions, alluding to "The Great Wen" (London), or to "The Big Apple" (New York). It is stated in the novel Moving Pictures that "There's a saying that all roads lead to Ankh-Morpork. And it's wrong. All roads lead away from Ankh-Morpork, but sometimes people walk along them the wrong way." There are also strong parallels with the political structure, economy, social structure, topography and history of the city-state Florence during the Renaissance.



Never enough

by: Eminem

There's not much you could do or say to phase me
People think I'm a little bit crazy
I get it from all angles, even occasionally Doc Drezy'll
Have to step in every once in a while to save me
To make me stop and think about it 'fore I just say things
Sometimes I forget what other people just may think
A lot of rappers probably wouldn't know how to take me
If they heard some shit I layed to tape 'fore they erase me
I may be a little too fast-paced and racy
Sometimes the average listener rewinds and plays me
Twenty times 'cause I say so many rhymes it may seem
Like I'm going too fast cause my mind is racing
And I could give a fuck what category you place me
Long as when I'm pushin' up daisies and gone
As long as you place me amongst one of them greats
When I the heavenly gates, I'd be cool beside Jay-Z
For every single die-hard fan who embrace me
I'm thankful for the talent in which God gave me
And I'm thankful for the environment that he placed me
Believe it or not, I thank my mom, far as she raised me
In a neighborhood daily that jumped and chased me
It only made me what I am today
See regardless of what anybody believes who hates me
You ain't gonna make or break me
Tryin' to strip me of my credibility or make me look fake, G
You're only gonna be in for a rude awakening
'Cause sooner or later you haters are all gonna face me
And when you face me with all the shit you've been savin'
To say to me, you had all this time to think about it
Now don't pussy out and try to wimp out, face me
'Cause I've been patiently waitin' for the day
That we finally meet, in the same place to see
No matter how many battles I been in and won
No matter how many magazines on my nuts
No matter how many MC's I eat up
Oh, it's never enough
No matter how many battles I been in and won
No matter how many magazines on my nuts
No matter how many MC's I eat up
Oh, it's never enough
My flow's untouchable, now you gotta face it
Uh oh, it gets worse when I go back to the basics
You gon', say the wrong shit and get your whole face split
The smell of victory love it so much I can taste it
I spot my target, blaze it, direct hit, graze it
Your peace talk, save it, your shit sounds, dated
You're over-rated, I'm obli-gated
To study your moves then crush you motherfuckers
If I'm the best and the worst then God's gift is a curse
Soldier trained to destroy, you payin' attention boy?
I spit shit, slick shit, so quick you miss shit
To be specific I go ballistic, it's hieroglyphic
My music is a drug, press play you ain't gotta sniff it
Shoot it or pop it, roll it bag it or chop it
It get you high over and over but you gotta cop it
When it's hot it's hot, your hatin' is undeniable, stop it
No matter how many battles I been in and won
No matter how many magazines on my nuts
No matter how many MC's I eat up
Oh, it's never enough
No matter how many battles I been in and won
No matter how many magazines on my nuts
No matter how many MC's I eat up
Oh, it's never enough
