Fat Tulips
Fat Tulips were an indie pop band from Nottingham, England who released one album, on the Vinyl Japan label, and over 10 singles on the band's own Heaven Records and others.
The Fat Tulips were formed in the late 1980s in Peterborough by Mark D. Their first release was a flexi disc called You Opened Up My Eyes and featured Sarah C. on vocals. Sarah quickly left the band, supposedly to pursue a career designing crop circles in Peru.
Mark then recruited new members consisting of Katie Keen on vocals, cat lover Paul Huckerby on bass, Shelagh Clarkson on guitar and floppy haired, pig van driver Matthew Johnson on drums.
Soon after the release of their single Where's Clare Grogan Now (played by John Peel), Katie left the band and Sheggi became the new singer.
Subsequent releases, including the EP Four Songs for Simon, Ferensway and The Tulip Explodes, led to a multi-pound recording contract with the fab, London based Vinyl Japan label, home and future home of BMX Bandits, the McCluskey Bros, and Thee Headcoats.