Neue Bach-Ausgabe
The Neue Bach-Ausgabe (NBA, in English: New Bach Edition) is the second complete edition of the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, published by Bärenreiter. The name is short for Johann Sebastian Bach: Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke (Johann Sebastian Bach: New Edition of the Complete Works). It is a historical-critical edition (German: historisch-kritische Ausgabe) of Bach's complete works by the Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut Göttingen and the Bach-Archiv Leipzig.
When Bach died most of his work was unpublished. The first complete edition of Bach's music was published in the second half of the nineteenth century by the Bach Gesellschaft. The second complete edition includes some discoveries made since 1900, but there are relatively few such scores. The significance of the NBA lies more in its incorporation of the latest scholarship. Although the NBA is an urtext edition rather than a facsimile edition, it includes many facsimiles of Bach manuscripts.