Netroots is a term coined in 2002 by Jerome Armstrong to describe political activism organized through blogs and other online media, including wikis and social network services. The word is a portmanteau of Internet and grassroots, reflecting the technological innovations that set netroots techniques apart from other forms of political participation. In the United States, the term is used mainly in left-leaning circles.
The term necessarily overlaps with the related ideas of e-democracy, open politics, and participatory democracy—all of which are somewhat more specific, better defined, and more widely accepted. Netroots outreach is a campaign-oriented activity that uses the web for complementing more traditional campaign activities, such as collaborating with grassroots activism that involves get out the vote and organizing through interconnecting local and regional efforts, such as Meetup, and the netroots-grassroots coalition that propelled the election of Howard Dean to the DNC Chair in January, 2005.
Enfrentarei todo mal, só pra te ver
Junto da boca do mar, quero viver
A musa do meu astral, mentalize
Para acalmar geral verbalize
Todas as luzes e todos os sons
E nem a claridade de um sonho bom vai
Abrir os meus olhos e a minha cabeça
Se pra toda idéia eu tiver uma barreira
Faço o que faço, sou o que sou
E de nada importa o que se falou
Dos versos do povo dessa tradição
Eu quero é cantar pro resto dessa vida