Nerd (adjective: nerdy) is a descriptive term, often used pejoratively, indicating that a person is overly intellectual, obsessive, or lacking social skills. They may spend inordinate amounts of time on unpopular, obscure, or non-mainstream activities, which are generally either highly technical or relating to topics of fiction or fantasy, to the exclusion of more mainstream activities. Additionally, many nerds are described as being shy, quirky, and unattractive, and may have difficulty participating in, or even following, sports. Though originally derogatory, "Nerd" is a stereotypical term, but as with other pejoratives, it has been reclaimed and redefined by some as a term of pride and group identity.
The first documented appearance of the word "nerd" is as the name of a creature in Dr. Seuss's book If I Ran the Zoo (1950), in which the narrator Gerald McGrew claims that he would collect "a Nerkle, a Nerd, and a Seersucker too" for his imaginary zoo. The slang meaning of the term dates to the next year, 1951, when Newsweek magazine reported on its popular use as a synonym for "drip" or "square" in Detroit, Michigan. By the early 1960s, usage of the term had spread throughout the United States, and even as far as Scotland. At some point, the word took on connotations of bookishness and social ineptitude.
Nerd is a term for a person who is intellectually knowledgeable or bright, but socially inept.
Nerd or nerds may also refer to:
In entertainment:
Other uses:
Navy eReader Device, or NeRD, is an e-reader developed by the United States Navy's General Library Program for use aboard U.S. Navy submarines. Released in May 2014, it gives sailors accessibility to the Navy's library and various books while on a submarine, which has limited storage space for paper books and sailors are normally on a six-month deployment. Each submarine is assigned five NeRDs. The Navy has plans to release the device to the surface fleet, starting with the smaller ships.
The NeRD device:
It is loaded with nearly 300 books in a wide variety of genres, some of the books are:
[Mc Chris:] Outta my way.
[Reporter:] Beautiful night out here on the red carpet.
[Mc Chris:] Mothafucka outta my way!
[Reporter:] MC, MC, come on over here!
[Mc Chris:] Who the fuck are you? I don't know you!
[Reporter:] how you doin? my name's Joe Garden from television.
[Mc Chris:] Fuck you, Joe Garden I don't know you from shit!
[Reporter:] MC you got a new record coming out called drinking blunts and smoking forties.
[Mc Chris:] drinking blunts and smoking forties I won't talk about shit. Get the fuck outta my face!
[Reporter:] Ok... and your new single Smackababy, endorsing infant-
[Mc Chris:] Smackababy! Make me go crazy! Smack that shit!
[Reporter:] Alright and moving on, who are you wearing tonight you look fantastic!
[Mc Chris:] Fuck you's who I'm wearing bitch you need to get the fuck outta my way! Where the fuck is the fuckin craft service?
[Reporter:] MC one last question, how did you come up with the name MC Chris?
[Mc Chris:] Fuck you's how I came up with it. What the fuck are you talk... who the fuck?... Where did you come from you son of a bitch?
[MC Record Deal:] Yo! Which one of you mothafuckas is MC Chris?
[Rapzilla:] Yeah mothafuckas!
[Mc Chris:] Who wants to know?
[Rapzilla:] Yo we do! We got a message for you from Reggie!
[Mc Chris:] Reggie? What's it say?
[MC Record Deal:] He wanna say somethin' like
[Rapzilla & MC Record Deal:] THIS!
[machine gun fire]
[Mc Chris:] Ah oh ah ah ah
[MC Record Deal:] Yeah yeah yeah yeah.
[Rapzilla:] Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah die bitch.
[MC Record Deal:] Yeah yeah mothafucka.
[Rapzilla:] Yeah yeah mothafuckin dead.
[MC Record Deal:] Yo your fuckin dead yo.
[Rapzilla:] Yeah yeah yo you see that paparazzo.
[MC Record Deal:] yeah paparazzo.
[Rapzilla:] We killed your king.
[machine gun fire]
[MC Record:] Deal yeah we killed your king.
[Rapzilla:] We killed your king all you fuckin nerdy ass bitches.
[MC Record Deal:] We just made you twelve sided die mothfucka.
[Rapzilla:] Yo check out I'm wearing your fuckin face.
[Rapzilla:] Rapzilla's wearin your face mc chris. I'm getting my picture taken with your face on man.
[MC Record Deal:] I'm takin his picture with your face on.
[Rapzilla:] Yeah yeah yeah oh shit.
[MC Record Deal:] I'm takin his picture with my my camera phone.
[Rapzilla:] I'm wiping my ass with your mothafuckin ass ain't that a bitch.
[MC Record Deal:] Where's your jet pack now mothafucka.
[Rapzilla:] I'm wiping my ass with your ass bitch.
[MC Record Deal:] Where's your jet pack now.
[machine gun fire]
[Rapzilla:] Be our myspace friend mothafucka.
[MC Record Deal:] Cracked out.
[Rapzilla:] Everybody who used to be mothafuckin mc chris' myspace friend.
[MC Record Deal:] be our myspace friend.
[Rapzilla:] be our myspace friend yo.
[MC Record Deal:] yo