Neoptera is a classification group that includes most part of the winged insects, specifically those that can flex their wings over their abdomens. This is in contrast with the more basal orders of winged insects (the "Palaeoptera" assemblage), which are unable to flex their wings in this way. Originally, the taxon Neoptera was proposed by А.М. Martynov, in the following classification: Classification by Martynov 1923 and 1924):
No way Pedro, no way Jose
I just wanna know, are you goin' my way?
Oh, I saw you standin' by the borderline
You can never make up your mind
No way Cisco, no way Pancho
Why don't you meet me, back at the rancho?
Well, if you get there, please don't be late
How can I get you now, if I hesitate?
No way Kemosabe, no way Tonto
Come here quick, ya gotta make it pronto
Well, when you head them, off at the pass
Baby, I just want a love to last
No way Pedro, no way Jose
Just wanna know, are you goin' my way?
Oh, I saw you standin', by the borderline
I just want you to make up, your goddamned mind