Nemetona, or ‘she of the sacred grove’, is a Celtic goddess with roots in northeastern Gaul. She is thought to have been the eponymous deity of the Germano-Celtic people known as the Nemetes; evidence of her veneration is found in their former territory along the Middle Rhine as well in the Altbachtal sanctuary in present-day Trier, Germany. She is also attested in Bath, England, where an altar to her was dedicated by a man of the Gallic Treveri people.
Her name is derived from the Celtic root nemeto-, referring to consecrated religious spaces, particularly sacred groves. She has thus been taken to be a guardian goddess of open-air places of worship. The same root is found in the names of the Romano-British goddess Arnemetia and the Matres Nemetiales (known from an inscription in Grenoble).
Surviving inscriptions often associate Nemetona with Mars (sometimes given the Celtic name Loucetius). She is paired with "Loucetius Mars" in the inscription at Bath, and with "Mars" at Trier and Altrip. Separate inscriptions to Nemetona and to Loucetius have been recovered from the same site in Klein-Winternheim near Mainz. The Altrip site was further notable for yielding a terra cotta depiction of the goddess.
(Randy Goodrum)
There'll be friendly faces everywhere you look
Like that magic page inside your coloring book
And we'll begin again
And find our strength again in our new hometown
And there's a house beside a pond inside our woods
And every winter it becomes the neighborhood
There'll be a snowman then
And skaters everywhere in our new hometown
So don't be afraid, little princess
When the train finally reaches tracks end
Every step of the way, I'll be one heart beat away
Little princess, tomorrow starts right now
In our new home town
There's a room inside our house that's mine and yours
And I promised you feel safe and so secure
We'll have a better life, a little paradise
In our new hometown
So don't be afraid, little princess
Cause our journey has come to an end
Every night every day I'll be one heart beat away
Little princess, tomorrow starts right now
In our new hometown