A nemeton was a sacred space of ancient Celtic religion. Nemeta appear to have been primarily situated in natural areas, and, as they often utilized trees, they are often interpreted as sacred groves. However, other evidence suggests that the word implied a wider variety of ritual spaces, such as shrines and temples. Evidence for nemeta consists chiefly of inscriptions and place-names, which occur all across the Celtic world. Toponyms related to the word nemeton occur as far west as Galicia, Spain, as far north as Scotland, and as far east as central Turkey. The word is related to the name of the Nemetes tribe living by the Rhine between the Palatinate and Lake Constance in what is now Germany, and their goddess Nemetona.
Pliny and Lucan wrote that druids did not meet in stone temples or other constructions, but in sacred groves of trees. In his Pharsalia Lucan described such a grove near Massilia in dramatic terms more designed to evoke a shiver of delicious horror among his Roman hearers than meant as proper natural history:
(Randy Goodrum)
There'll be friendly faces everywhere you look
Like that magic page inside your coloring book
And we'll begin again
And find our strength again in our new hometown
And there's a house beside a pond inside our woods
And every winter it becomes the neighborhood
There'll be a snowman then
And skaters everywhere in our new hometown
So don't be afraid, little princess
When the train finally reaches tracks end
Every step of the way, I'll be one heart beat away
Little princess, tomorrow starts right now
In our new home town
There's a room inside our house that's mine and yours
And I promised you feel safe and so secure
We'll have a better life, a little paradise
In our new hometown
So don't be afraid, little princess
Cause our journey has come to an end
Every night every day I'll be one heart beat away
Little princess, tomorrow starts right now
In our new hometown