
Nemed or Nimeth (modern spelling: Neimheadh) is a character in medieval Irish Christian mythohistory. According to the Lebor Gabála Érenn (compiled in the 11th century), he is the leader of the third group of people to settle in Ireland, who are referred to as the Muintir Nemid (Muintir Neimhidh, "people of Nemed"), Clann Nemid (Clann Neimhidh, "offspring of Nemed") or Nemedians. The word nemed means "privileged" or "holy" in Old Irish. They arrive thirty years after their predecessors, the Muintir Partholóin, had died out. After many years the Nemedians too are wiped out or forced to abandon the island.


According to the Lebor Gabála, Nemed, like those who settled Ireland before him, had a genealogy going back to the biblical Noah. He was the son of Agnoman of Scythia, the son of Piamp, son of Tait, son of Sera, son of Sru, son of Esru, son of Friamaint, son of Fathochta, son of Magog, son of Japheth, one of the sons of Noah.

Ireland had been uninhabited since the Muintir Partholóin died of plague. The Muintir Nemid set sail from the Caspian Sea in 44 ships, but after a year and a half of sailing, the only ship to reach Ireland is Nemed's. Also on board are his wife Macha, his four chieftain sons (Starn, Iarbonel, Annind, and Fergus 'Red-Side'), and others. His wife Macha dies twelve days after they arrive and is buried at Ard Mhacha (Armagh). Two quite different dates are given for the arrival of Muintir Nemid: 2350 BCE according to the Annals of the Four Masters, or 1731 BCE in Seathrún Céitinn's chronology.



Il Vecchio E Il Bambino

by: Nomadi

Un vecchio e un bambino
si preser per mano
e andarono insieme
incontro alla sera;
la polvere rossa
si alzava lontano
e il sole brillava
di luce non vera;
l'immensa pianura sembrava arrivare
fin dove l'occhio di un uomo
poteva guardare
e tutto d'intorno non c'era nessuno
solo il tetro contorno di torri di fumo
i due camminavano,
il giorno cadeva,
il vecchio parlava
e piano piangeva
con l'anima assente,
con gli occhi bagnati,
seguiva il ricordo
di miti passati.
I vecchi subiscon
l'ingiuria degli anni
non sanno distinguere
il vero dai sogni
i vecchi non sanno
nel loro pensiero
distinguer nei sogni
il falso dal vero.
E il vecchio diceva
guardando lontano
immagina questo
coperto di grano
immagina i frutti
e immagina i fiori
e pensa alle voci
e pensa ai colori.
E in questa pianura
fin dove si perde
crescevano gli alberi
e tutto era verde;
cadeva la pioggia
segnavano i soli
il ritmo dell'uomo e delle stagioni.
Il bimbo ristette
lo sguardo era triste
e gli occhi guardavano
cose mai viste;
e poi disse al vecchio,
con voce sognante:
"Mi piaccio le fiabe
raccontane altre".

Latest News for: nemed

Nemes\u2019 bill to help charitable gaming operations in state

The Pioneer News 13 Mar 2025
Mike Nemes, R-Shepherdsville, has filed Senate Bill (SB) 190, a measure aimed at enhancing charitable gaming opportunities for volunteers and licensed organizations in Kentucky ... Nemes serves as chair of the Senate State and Local Government Committee.
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