Navigation mesh
A navigation mesh, or navmesh, is an abstract data structure used in artificial intelligence applications to aid agents in pathfinding through complicated spaces. This approach has been known since at least the mid-1980s in robotics, where it has been called a meadow map, and was popularized in video game AI in 2000.
A navigation mesh is a collection of two-dimensional convex polygons (a polygon mesh) that define which areas of an environment are traversable by agents. In other words, a character in a game could freely walk around within these areas unobstructed by trees, lava, or other barriers that are part of the environment. Adjacent polygons are connected to each other in a graph.
Pathfinding within one of these polygons can be done trivially in a straight line because the polygon is convex and traversable. Pathfinding between polygons in the mesh can be done with one of the large number of graph search algorithms, such as A*. Agents on a navmesh can thus avoid computationally expensive collision detection checks with obstacles that are part of the environment.