The Nautilaceae is one of five superfamilies that make up the Nautilida according to Bernard Kummel (1964), and the only one that survived past the Triassic. The Nautilaceae comprise six families: Nautilidae, Paracenoceratidae, Pseudonautilidae, Cymatoceratidae, Hercoglossidae, and Aturiidae. Shimanskiy (1957) separated the Paracenoceratidae and Pseudonautilidae from his near equivalent Nautilina and added them to the Lyroceratina, expanding the equivalent Clydonautilaceae and bringing it into the Jurassic. The Nautilaceae are represented by Nautilus and Allonautilus, genera included in the Nautilidae.
Species in the Nautilaceae are generally smooth and involute with straight to strongly sinuous sutures and a small siphuncle. Some groups have sinuous plications or ribs
The Nautilaceae began in the Late Triassic with Cenoceras, a golublar to discoidal genus derived from the Syringonautilidae and possibly from Syringonautilus. Cenoceras, the earliest member of the Nautilaceae and Nautilidae, is the only nautiloid known to have crossed the upper Triassic boundary and the only one known from the Lower Jurassic
I want to tell u real events,
I am turn like a 45, u never know.
throw away,all the thing ur got,
u can do it, to my way, once more.
someone try
and shush me but
I cry out
thought everybod seem
to think i'm "noodles".
then all my inside,
so fly to piece,
just like a electricity,
I can became air.
my watch is out of order now,
i am turn like a 45, u never know.
but would be nothing at all.
see the surprised look on face,once more.
someone try
and shush me but
I cry out
thought everybody seem
to think i'm "noodless".
then all my inside,
so fly to piece,
just like a electricity,
I can became air.
then all my inside,
so fly to piece,
just like a electricity,
I can became air.
I will penetrate
away place u go,
how does it feel to be?