It may be one of the most contentious dates on the calendar but the Albanese Government has thrown its weight behind Australia Day after dedicating millions of dollars to celebrating the nation’s birthday next January.
He brings more than two decades of tourism experience and leadership to the role, as well as significant national profile, including through his current role chairing the British and IrishAssociation of Zoos and Aquariums.
But the city holds appeal for families in all seasons with its free access to many museums, including 21 Smithsonian institutions and the National Zoo, which welcomed two giant pandas in January.
ViaGen Pets and Equine, in collaboration with the San Diego Zoo, successfully cloned a second endangered Przewalski's horse in 2023 using a cryopreserved sample from 1980... and National Geographic.
That would put it below the number recommended by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and the National Institutes of Health, which recommend at least seven chimpanzees be kept together in captivity, ...
The Zoo Amp also brought on a seasoned local management team with the backing of national partner SaveLive, which rebranded earlier this year to Gate 52, to produce the 2024 concert season and beyond.
“Blending lush botanical gardens with diverse wildlife habitats, the zoo's AfricanForest showcases western lowland gorillas and bonobos, while the Range of the Jaguar is a national award-winning South American exhibit.”.
One of two baby cotton-top tamarin twins born recently at Des Moines' Blank Park Zoo has died, the zoo announced ... According to the Smithsonian's National Zoo, the small tree-dwelling monkey is native to South America's tropical forests.
A female dhole at the National Zoological Park — informally known as the Delhi zoo — died on Wednesday, officials said, adding to the growing list of animal deaths at the zoo over the past few months.
A new economic feasibility study “shows that Spokane’s ‘Walk in the Wild’ zoo project could become one of the nation’s top three zoos.” ... Walk in the Wild never did become one of the nation’s top zoos, or anywhere near it.
For older generations, animals were mostly viewed in cages at local zoos ...Olga, the nation's oldest walrus, holds still for a whisker trim given by trainer Maribeth Rook at Brookfield Zoo on July 27, 1984.
The zoo's Land of the Tigers exhibit was chosen as one of the nation's best zoo exhibits in the 2023 poll ... 4 Best Zoo in the nation," Nikki Smith, the zoo's chief philanthropy and marketing officer, said in a release.