Nataraja (Tamil: "நடராசர்" or Kooththan கூத்தன், The Lord (or King) of Dance), is a depiction of the Hindu God Shiva as the cosmic dancer who performs his divine dance to destroy a weary universe and make preparations for the god Brahma to start the process of creation.
The dance of Shiva in Tillai, the traditional name for Chidambaram, forms the motif for all the depictions of Shiva as Nataraja. He is also known as "Sabesan" which splits as "Sabayil aadum eesan" in Tamil which means "The Lord who dances on the dais". The form is present in most Shiva temples in South India, and is the prime deity in the famous Thillai Nataraja Temple at Chidambaram.
The sculpture is usually made in bronze, with Shiva dancing in an aureole of flames, lifting his left leg (or in rare cases, the right leg) and balancing over a demon or dwarf (Muyalaka) who symbolizes ignorance. It is a well known sculptural symbol in India and popularly used as a symbol of Indian culture.
The two most common forms of Shiva's dance are the Lasya (the gentle form of dance), associated with the creation of the world, and the Tandava (the violent and dangerous dance), associated with the destruction of weary worldviews – weary perspectives and lifestyles. In essence, the Lasya and the Tandava are just two aspects of Shiva's nature; for he destroys in order to create, tearing down to build again.
Beyond this grim reality. A flightning spirit followed his own rules.
Staring at the peaceful borders of sanity. Rebirth of the dead tears.
Playing with each moment. Indulging in reveries. With every little rise.
And fall of the leaves. Every vision transformed into reality.
A touch of bitterness propitiates. The path of honour is open.
Nevermore grief and agony. This persevering hopes of the past are not only fake dreams.
The war is finished. The enemy crushed with a jubilant cry.
The war is finished. Everybody at last knows the truth.
Our liberties and dignity will never trample again.
The smile returned to our hearts. The sub humans go into hiding.
Woe to the vanquished. Beyond this grim reality.
A fighting spirit followed his own rules. Staring at the peaceful borders of sanity.
Rebirth of the dead tears. The path of honour is open.
Nevermore grief and agony. The persevering hopes of the past are not only fake dreams.