The Tjeld class was a class of fast patrol boats (FPB) designed in Norway. They were used as torpedo boats in Norway where this type of vessel were called MTBs or motor torpedo boats (motortorpedobåt). The class was also known in the US and Germany as the Nasty class.
The prototype Nasty was designed, built and tested during the fall of 1957. The Tjeld class was developed and introduced by Boat Services Ltd. A/S, Oslo, in close cooperation with Royal Norwegian Navy officers with World War II experience in fast patrol boats; the chief designer being naval architect Jan Herman Linge. The Norwegian Tjeld-class vessels were constructed at A/S Westermoen Båtbyggeri og Mek Verksted in Mandal.
Cassavetes’ HUSBANDS is the winner of 1970 for its hard-nosed and thumb-your-nose take on the middle class midlife crisis ... GET CARTER is a nasty piece of work, a class-bait gangster drama, that hurls forth like an asteroid hellbent on impact.
Trump has no intention of protecting this coalition and, in his latest outburst, he said “The European Union is very, very nasty.”.The European Ruling Class is in desperate trouble and ...
The story behind Donny Parvo and his band, the Accidental Inseminators, is that he, Parvo, is embroiled in a nasty class-action paternity lawsuit and has convinced his band to play in a one-of-a-kind tour to raise money to pay what he owes ... .