Nashotah House is an Anglo-Catholic seminary in Nashotah, Wisconsin, approximately 30 miles (50 km) from Milwaukee, situated within the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee. The seminary opened its doors in 1842 and received its official charter in 1847. The institution is independent and generally regarded as one of the more theologically conservative seminaries in the Episcopal Church. It is also officially recognized by the Anglican Church in North America.
Nashotah House offers a variety of degree and certificate programs aimed at training clergy and lay leaders for ministries in the Anglican Communion:
It also offers a one-year certificate program in Anglican studies, geared toward students who have received an M.Div. from a non-Anglican institution and wish to be ordained within the Anglican tradition. The M.A. in Ministry degree may be earned through a combination of residential and online study. The M.Div., M.T.S., S.T.M., D.Min. and M.A. in Ministry degrees are accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS).
Sophisticated underwear on a short vacation
as the bravest, nippiest, most elegant female woman
shouldn't be, shouldn't be
shouldn't be, shouldn't be, shouldn't be
targeted at a two to eleven year old crowd of plastic like weasels
easy going
easy gone
squeeze it into a song
too much credit for something that wrong
Bedweiser blues (Bedweiser)
Bedweiser blues (Bedweiser)
combining wildlife footage and Hollywood names
on the door of a Belgian toilet
that means 0.5 on your scale of shameful situations
and a square 7.6 on my scale of risky and extremely risky operations
How now plug it into a transrelational socket
too much credit?
I knew, I knew what I was doing, fuck it
Bedweiser blues (Bedweiser)
Bedweiser blues (Bedweiser)
More wrinkled than the entire Redgrave-family
she raped my talent for simulated ignorance