The Naryn River (Kyrgyz: Нарын, Russian: Нарын, Uzbek: Norin) rises in the Tian Shan mountains in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, flowing west through the Fergana Valley into Uzbekistan. Here it merges with the Kara Darya River (near Namangan) to form the Syr Darya. It is 807 kilometres (501 mi) long (together with Chong-Naryn River) and has an annual flow of 13.7 cubic kilometres (11,100,000 acre·ft).
The largest tributaries of the Naryn River are: Kichi-Naryn River, At-Bashi River, On Archa River, Kadjyrty River, Chychkan River, Alabuga River, Kökömeren River etc.
The river contains many reservoirs which are important in the generation of hydroelectricity. The largest of these is the Toktogul Reservoir in Kyrgyzstan containing 19.9 cubic kilometres (16,100,000 acre·ft) of water. Dams downstream of the Toktogul in Kyrgyzstan include: Kurpsai, Tash-Kumyr, Shamaldysai and Uch-Kurgansk. Upstream of Toktogul in Kyrgyzstan is the Kambarata-2 and At-Bashi Dams while the Kambarata-1 and Kambarata-3 are in planning stages.
Naryn (Kyrgyz: Нарын) is the provincial administrative center of the Naryn Province in central Kyrgyzstan, with a population of 34,822 (2009 Census). It is situated on both banks of the Naryn River (one of the main head waters of the Syr Darya), which cuts a picturesque gorge through the town. The city has two regional museums and some hotels, but is otherwise residential.
From Naryn, the main road (one of the branches of the ancient Silk Road) runs south through the sparsely settled central Kyrgyz highlands to the Torugart Pass and China. At present, this is the main transport link from Kyrgyzstan to China. Naryn hosts one of three campuses of the University of Central Asia (UCA). The University was founded in 2000 by the governments of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan, and His Highness the Aga Khan. It is the world’s first internationally chartered institution of higher education. The UCA currently operates a School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPCE), with a School of Undergraduate Studies and a Graduate School of Development in the process of being established.
Naryn, neryn or norin (Kyrgyz: наaрын Russian: нaрын, Uighur: нерин Uzbek: норин).
In Kyrgyz cuisine naryn is an finely chopped lamb meat (or horse meat) with onion sauce. Noodles added naryn now called beshbarmak.
In Uzbek cuisine naryn is an pasta dish made with fresh hand-rolled noodles and horse meat. Naryn can be served as a cold pasta dish (kuruk norin – dry norin) or as a hot noodle soup (khul norin – wet norin). Homemade pasta is rolled very thinly and cut into strips 1–2 mm wide and 50-70mm long. The noodles are cooked in plain boiling water or often in a broth of horse meat. Horse meat is then shredded into the pasta and naryn is served on a lagan (12" plate) decorated with slices of horse meat sausage (kazy). The dish is served as a part of any extended meal after the samsa and before the plov (osh).
This is a list of craters on Mars. There are hundreds of thousands of impact crater on Mars, but only some of them have names. This list here only contains named Martian craters starting with the letter H – N (see also lists for A – G and O – Z).
Large Martian craters (greater than 60 km in diameter) are named after famous scientists and science fiction authors; smaller ones (less than 60 km in diameter) get their names from towns on Earth. Craters cannot be named for living people, and small crater names are not intended to be commemorative - that is, a small crater isn't actually named after a specific town on Earth, but rather its name comes at random from a pool of terrestrial place names, with some exceptions made for craters near landing sites. Latitude and longitude are given as planetographic coordinates with west longitude.