Nāropā (Prakrit; Sanskrit: Nāropadā or Naḍapāda) (probably died ca. 1040 CE) was an Indian Buddhist Mahasiddha. He was the disciple of Tilopa and brother, or some sources say partner and pupil, of Niguma. As an Indian Mahasiddha, Naropa's instructions inform Vajrayana, particularly his six yogas of Naropa relevant to the completion stage of anuttarayogatantra.
Although some accounts relate that Naropa was the personal teacher of Marpa Lotsawa, other accounts suggest that Marpa held Naropa's lineage through intermediary disciples only.
According to scholar John Newman, "the Tibetans give Nāro's name as Nā ro pa, Nā ro paṇ chen, Nā ro ta pa, and so forth. The manuscript of the Paramarthasaṃgraha preserves a Sanskrit form Naḍapāda (Paramarthasaṃgraha 74). A Sanskrit manuscript edited by Tucci preserves an apparent Prakrit form Nāropā, as well as a semi-Sanskritic Nāropadā (Tucci 1930:150 & 152)."
Naropa was a contemporary of Atiśa. Naropa was born in a high status Brahmin family of Bengal. From an early age showed an independent streak, hoping to follow a career of study and meditation. Succumbing to his parents' wishes, he agreed to an arranged marriage with a young Brahmin girl. After 8 years they both agreed to dissolve their marriage and become ordained. At the age of 28 Naropa entered the famous Buddhist University at Nalanda where he studied both Sutra and Tantra. He gained the reputation of a great scholar and faultless debater, essential at that time as the tradition of debate was such that the loser automatically became a student of the winner. He eventually gained the title "Guardian of the Northern gate", engaged in many debates and taught and won many students.
Naropa can refer to:
Ich blick' in kalte Augen, was ich seh' ist Ignorranz
Nenn mir ein' freien Platz, wenn Du es kannst
Die Weichen in Deinem Kopf sind schon gestellt
Das sind die neuen Normen, die neuen Normen, perfekte Welt
Paßt gut auf Europa auf, vieles nimmt den falschen Lauf
Keine Mauer um den Kontinent, die so viele Kulturen trennt
Lebt bunt, seid frei, mischt euch nicht unter den Einheitsbrei
Individueller Mut, glaub' dran, noch geht's Dir gut
Paßt gut auf Europa auf vieles nimmt den falschen Lauf
Keine Mauer um den Kontinent die so viele Kulturen trennt