Nangal Nunia
Nangal Nunia is a village in the Mahendergarh district of Haryana, India. It is on Narnaul (Haryana)- Behror(Rajasthan) road. It has at least one branch of Punjab National Bank.
Nangal Nunia Sarpanch seat is Unreserved.
Adjacent villages
Nangal Shyalu
Nangal Pipa
Nangal Nunia
Nangal Kalia
Nangal Dargu
Nangal Chaudhary
Nangal Soda
Demographics of 2011
As of 2011 India census, Nangal Nunia had a population of 1135 in 198 households. Males (595) constitute 52.42% of the population and females (540) 47.57%. Nangal Nunia has an average literacy (414) rate of 36.47%, lower than the national average of 74%: male literacy (142) is 34.29%, and female literacy (272) is 65.70% of total literates. In Nangal Nunia, 11.31% of the population is under 6 years of age (171).