Famous quotes by Nancy Johnson:
"We usually use that mostly on the weekends because we have access to the range during the week. But I can tell you a number of times they have had a training holiday at Fort Benning, so nobody trains, and to drag him in is like pulling teeth."
"I used to have to force myself to go, okay, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing and then all of a sudden a thought of some where could come in. Now I can just focus and not think about anything. So, yeah, I guess I do that a lot."
"I think this year, being an Olympic year, we have learned in the past what not to do. Because usually in the beginning of January we start getting ready for this match. And that's just too late. Yes, everybody needs a break at the end of the year. November, December there's a lot of holidays, nobody wants to shoot. But we actually shot all through the end of last year."
"How do I handle it? I would say more times than not, if I have a bad shot, I just get angry and almost like kill the next one. And it usually works I would say 9 times out of 10."
"I told Ken, the other day, I said it's taken me year to be able to think about nothing, while you're taking just a mental break. But especially within the last, I'd say 6 to 8 months or so, it's been very easy for me to take just a few shots and then just stand there, and then you'll look at me and you're like, "What is she doing?"."
"When you shoot a shot and if it's not where you think you called it, or even if you just have a shaky shot. When things just start not going right you should actually recognize it before it starts feeling bad, and sometimes I know that's a big problem for a lot of people, including me."
"A lot of them are afraid to sit down and break their position. You should be able to make it so natural that you can just get out, and sit down and walk away from it, and there's nothing wrong with that."
"I started shooting out of interest in archery and there wasn't an archery range close enough for me to shoot at."
"You know you do get a little bit irritated with yourself if you have a stupid shot and if you jump on the next one and say, "Okay, the next one is going to be a ten, and it's going to be a deep ten, and I don't care and I'm not going to take anything less", it usually works."
"It doesn't matter if I go to a match or if I'm shooting a match by myself at the range, it's shooting matches and not saying, "Oh well, this is just for me and it doesn't count." Shooting matches."
"No, I think I used to be pretty superstitious about certain things, but I'm really not anymore. As long as I have everything is in order and I have my things as far as the match goes, shooting I'm fine. But I really don't."