Nampong is a census town in the Changlang District in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. It is located close to the Pangsau Pass, being the last town on the Indian side, at an elevation of 308 metres.
Nampong was one of the towns on the infamous Ledo Road, known also as "Stilwell Road" after general Joseph Stilwell, and a bridge was built over the river. Owing to frequent landslides and harsh working conditions the pass was nicknamed "Hell Pass" during the war and a place known as "Hell Gate" is located in the town. The Tangsa's are the inhabitants of Nampong. It is also the last town in eastern Corner of India which shares boundary with Myanmar. Every month people are allowed to visit Myanmar through a pass named as "Pangsau Pass" which was known as "Hell Pass". Every 10, 20 and 30 of the month, the people are allowed to visit Myanmar.
PEOPLE The Tangsas are dominant tribe of Nampong which is one of the major tribe of Arunachal Pradesh. There are different sub tribes within the Tangsa, namely Tikhak, Muklom, Havi, Longchang, Mossang, Jugli, Kimsing, Ronrang, Mungrey, Longphi, Longri, Ponthai, Sangwal, Yongkuk, Sakieng, Thamphang etc. They are of Mongoloid decent. According to the legends, The Tangsas originated in a hill called Masoi Sinarupam, (Myanmar). They migrated to India in the 1740s from the north of Myanmar and migrated to the present habitat only in the early 18th century. Traditionally, they are believer of Bon Faith which is portrayed by spirit and ceremonial animal slaughters. Nonetheless over the years many have converted to Buddhism and Christianity. The Tangsas are laborious and peace-loving community. They are experts in handicrafts particularly in woodcarving. The major populations of the Tangsa are agriculturist by occupation. Lifestyle is uncomplicated. Survival is simple. Their warm smiles compel to forget the freezing temperature of January and the hospitality for the guest are the best in the world.