Nakidka is a Russian radar-absorbent material (RAM) camouflage that "eliminates the use of precision-guided weapons" Nakidka reduces the infrared, thermal, and radar band signatures of an object. It can be mounted on armored fighting vehicles,field fortifications, command posts, permanent air and vehicle sheds, and ammunition and fuel depots by infantry with no special equipment.
According to NII Stali (Scientific Research Institute of Steel), which designed Nakidka, it reduces the chances of detection by day/night viewers and TV systems and seekers by thirty percent, infrared seekers by two to three fold, radar by six fold, and reduces the thermal-radar signature to near-background levels. Nakidka is efficient in the optical, IR and radar wavelength bands up to 12 cm, and also reduces the Radar cross section by 10 db.
Nakidka weighs 2 kg per square meter and can be deployed in 0.4–1.0 man hours per square meter. It is also capable of withstanding combat conditions, such as taking small arms fire or a napalm attack. It is said to have a long maintenance-free service life.
Kupi mi kartu u jednom smeru
al' uvek imaj u ljubav veru
ne zatvaraj za mnom ni srce ni vrata
pozeli mi srecu i nista drugo
Ne placi za mnom ne idi necu dugo
a ako me vetar zivota odnese
gde nesrecni stoje svi jedno uz drugo
cekaj me i pati samo ne, nemoj dugo
U kofer stavi par svoji stvari
da ih sa mojim sudbina spari
ne zatvaraj za mnom ni srce ni vrata
pozeli mi srecu i nista drugo
ne placi i za mnom ne idi, necu dugo
A ako me vetar zivota odnese
gde nesrecni stoje svi jedno uz drugo
cekaj me i pati samo ne, nemoj dugo
A kada te vrati trenutak krivice
a hladan ti vetar siba u lice
grli me i ljubi moja tugo, nisi dugo
Tad spustices glavu na ranjene grudi
i pitaces srce da l' prasta il' sudi