
The Naiman (Khalkha-Mongolian: Найман/Naiman, "eight") is the name of a tribe originating in Mongolia.


In the Secret History of the Mongols their subtribe the "Güchügüd" are mentioned. According to Russian Turkologist Nikolai Aristov's view, the Naiman Khanate's western border reached the Irtysh River and its eastern border reached the Mongolian Tamir River. The Altai Mountains and southern Altai Republic were part of the Naiman Khanate. They had diplomatic relations with the Kara-Khitans, and were subservient to them until 1177 (the name Naimans is what the Mongols used to refer to them). Some scholars classified them as a Turkic people from Sekiz Oghuz (means "Eight Oghuz" in Turkic). Like the Khitans and the Uyghurs, many of them were Nestorian Christians or Buddhists. When the last Dayang Khan (a type of Khan) was killed after a battle with Genghis Khan in 1203, his son Kuchlug with his remaining Naiman troops fled to the Kara-Khitan Khanate. Kuchlug was well received there and the Khitan Khan gave him his daughter in marriage. Kuchlug soon began plotting against his new father-in-law, and after he usurped the throne, he began to persecute Muslims in the Hami Oases. But his action was opposed by local people and he was later defeated by the Mongols under Jebe.




by: Ataque 77

Nada de los que me dijiste vos, nada de lo que dije yo
nada somos sin la suerte
No hay estrellas para ser mejor, no hay una sola visión
cada persona desde su lugar tiene razón.
Andá a saber si vos me mentís,
andá a saber si te miento yo
Lo siento, hilaba frases sin ninguna noción
iba perdiendo 3 a 0 al metegol, al metegol.
Ganar el tiempo como un ganador, perder el tiempo
en perdedor ganabas mientras yo perdía olléndote a vos.
Basta de esto no quiero escuchar, no entiendo
a gente como vos siempre prejuicios
y machismo siempre ambición
Ahora te dije lo que sentí, ahora me siento mucho mejor
por eso cuando me encuentro en una buena emoción
le pido a dios se apiade y me llevé ahí, en lo mejor.
A ver si te crees que te creí...
Suena el teléfono en la habitación y en el contestador
habla Nasstasja Kinski: Cómo estás?
Terminemos el juego de una vez
tengo cosas que hacer
cambia la suerte para mi, ya ves, voy a atender.
Ahora me toca ganar a mi
ahora te toca perder a vos
por eso cuando me encuentro en una buena emoción
le pido a dios se apiade y me llevé ahí, en lo mejor.
A lo mejor llegamos al fin.
