Nadendla Manohar
Nadendla Manohar is an Indian politician who has served in the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, including as holder of the office of Speaker. He represented Tenali constituency. He belongs to the Indian National Congress party.
Nadendla Manohar is an M.B.A from College of Commerce and Business Management, Osmania University, with specialization in Marketing and B.Com from Nizam College, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Manohar was elected as the Speaker in June 2011. He is an elected Member of the Indian National Congress from Tenali Constituency of Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh in 2004 and 2009 General elections.He lost security deposit in 2014 elections.
Prior to his election as Speaker, he served as the Deputy Speaker of the A.P. Legislative Assembly and chaired committees including the House Committee which probed the functioning of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (Primary School Education) in Andhra Pradesh.
He has served the Congress Party in various capacities and as General Secretary of the Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee, he focused on developing NSUI and Youth Congress in A.P.