Nada is a 1947 Spanish drama film directed by Edgar Neville. It is based on Carmen Laforet's famous novel Nada which won the Premio Nadal. It was written by Carmen Laforet.
The novel was filmed also in Argentina in (1956) by Leopoldo Torre Nilsson with the title Graciela.
Although the film is an entirely Spanish production, the cast includes some Italian actors: Fosco Giachetti, María Denis, Adriano Rimoldi.
The film was censored and cut by 30 minutes, so credited actors such as Félix Navarro, María Bru and Rafael Bardem disappeared from the film. The role of José María Mompín was hardly reduced. Most of the Barcelona exteriors were removed.
Nada ("Nothing") is a studio album released in 1979 by the Mexican group Los Freddy's.
Steve Grainger is an English electronic music composer and performer. His current project is nada (always written in lower-case letters).
Grainger has been active as a musician and producer for almost 30 years, in which time he has worked as a music writer for TV production companies, produced numerous records and played in several bands - most notably, those of the mid-noughties Brighton scene such as The Customers and The Small.
In 1999 he signed with Infectious Records, a subsidiary of Mushroom Records as a founder member of Elevator Suite with DJs Andy Childs and Paul Roberts, a band whose first two singles were crowned "Record Of The Week" on BBC Radio 1, and who went on to tour Europe with Morcheeba and release a critically acclaimed album: Barefoot & Shitfaced.
nada's music references a variety of sources including post-war European 'art' music, classical impressionism, expressionism and romanticism, musique concrète, ethnic folk musics, circus bands, fairground mechanical organs, minimalism, electronica, post rock, ambient, dance music, easy listening and jazz.
Tierra is a computer simulation developed by ecologist Thomas S. Ray in the early 1990s in which computer programs compete for time (central processing unit (CPU) time) and space (access to main memory). In this context, the computer programs in Tierra are considered to be evolvable and can mutate, self-replicate and recombine. Tierra's virtual machine is written in C. It operates on a custom instruction set designed to facilitate code changes and reordering, including features such as jump to template (as opposed to the relative or absolute jumps common to most instruction sets).
The basic Tierra model has been used to experimentally explore in silico the basic processes of evolutionary and ecological dynamics. Processes such as the dynamics of punctuated equilibrium, host-parasite co-evolution and density-dependent natural selection are amenable to investigation within the Tierra framework. A notable difference between Tierra and more conventional models of evolutionary computation, such as genetic algorithms, is that there is no explicit, or exogenous fitness function built into the model. Often in such models there is the notion of a function being "optimized"; in the case of Tierra, the fitness function is endogenous: there is simply survival and death.
Tierra is the second album by L'Arc-en-Ciel, released on July 14, 1994.
All lyrics written by hyde.
Ímar (Old Norse: Ívarr; died c. 873) was a Viking leader in Ireland and Scotland in the mid-late ninth century who founded the Uí Ímair dynasty, and whose descendants would go on to dominate the Irish Sea region for several centuries. He was the son of the king of Lochlann, identified in the non-contemporary Fragmentary Annals of Ireland as Gofraid. The Fragmentary Annals name Auisle and Amlaíb Conung as his brothers. Another Viking leader, Halfdan Ragnarsson, is considered by some scholars to be another brother. The Irish Annals title Amlaíb, Ímar and Auisle "kings of the foreigners". Modern scholars use the title "kings of Dublin" after the Viking settlement which formed the base of their power. Some scholars consider Ímar to be identical to Ivar the Boneless, a Viking commander of the Great Heathen Army named in contemporary English sources who also appears in the Icelandic sagas as a son of the legendary Viking Ragnar Lodbrok.
The Gospel According to Mark (Greek: τὸ κατὰ Μᾶρκον εὐαγγέλιον, to kata Markon euangelion), the second book of the New Testament, is one of the four canonical gospels and the three synoptic gospels. It was traditionally thought to be an epitome (summary) of Matthew, which accounts for its place as the second gospel in the Bible, but most scholars now regard it as the earliest of the gospels. Most modern scholars reject the tradition which ascribes it to Mark the Evangelist, the companion of Peter, and regard it as the work of an unknown author working with various sources including collections of miracle stories, controversy stories, parables, and a passion narrative.
Mark tells of the ministry of Jesus from his baptism by John the Baptist to his death and burial and the discovery of the empty tomb – there is no genealogy or birth narrative, nor, in the original ending at chapter 16, any post-resurrection appearances. It portrays Jesus as a heroic man of action, an exorcist, healer and miracle worker. Jesus is also the Son of God, but he keeps his identity secret, concealing it in parables so that even the disciples fail to understand. All this is in keeping with prophecy, which foretold the fate of the messiah as Suffering Servant. The gospel ends, in its original version, with the discovery of the empty tomb, a promise to meet again in Galilee, and an unheeded instruction to spread the good news of the resurrection.