The Nabataeans, also Nabateans (/ˌnæbəˈtiːənz/; Arabic: الأنباط al-ʾAnbāṭ , compare to Ancient Greek: Ναβαταίος, Latin: Nabatæus), were an Arabic people who inhabited northern Arabia and the Southern Levant, and whose settlements, most prominently the assumed capital city of Petra, in AD 37 – c. 100, gave the name of Nabatene to the borderland between Arabia and Syria, from the Euphrates to the Red Sea. Their loosely controlled trading network, which centered on strings of oases that they controlled, where agriculture was intensively practiced in limited areas, and on the routes that linked them, had no securely defined boundaries in the surrounding desert. Trajan conquered the Nabataean kingdom, annexing it to the Roman Empire, where their individual culture, easily identified by their characteristic finely potted painted ceramics, became dispersed in the general Greco-Roman culture and was eventually lost. They were later converted to Christianity. Jane Taylor, a writer, describes them as "one of the most gifted peoples of the ancient world".
I can't deal with this
I've avoided it for so long
The target won't be missed this time
My aim is just too strong
I have to face my fears
And hope I somehow make it through
Without shedding any tears
Over fights I've had with you
I can't regret
those things I said
You know it used to tear me up
But now I'm better off instead
I lost myself
When you came back
I can't believe I gave my heart up
for some curiosities
I don't want to hold onto memories
It's almost been two years
I've almost lost my mind
With every single put down
Or the times you were unkind
Just look into my eyes
And I'll hope for the best
But somehow I know things can't stay the same
I failed your test
I don't know
Where we went wrong
I only wish I could make things better
I can't say
How long this will last