Limitless may refer to:
New Zealand has two time zones. The main islands use New Zealand Standard Time (NZST), 12 hours in advance of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) /Military M (MIKE), while the outlying Chatham Islands use Chatham Standard Time (CHAST), 12 hours 45 minutes in advance of UTC /Military M^ (MIKE-THREE). UTC is designated as Military and Aircraft Time Zone Z (ZULU), sometimes referred to as ZERO (as in Zero-Hour offset).
During summer (last Sunday in September until the first Sunday in April) daylight saving time is observed and clocks are advanced one hour. New Zealand Daylight Time (NZDT) is 13 hours ahead of UTC, and Chatham Daylight Time (CHADT) 13 hours 45 minutes ahead.
The Ross Dependency, McMurdo Station and the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica maintain NZST/NZDT.
There are dependencies of New Zealand in the Pacific Ocean, in three different time zones, two of them on the other side of the International Date Line:
Daddy was always an honest man
He spoke with his heart and helped with his hands
There wasn't a stranger he didn't soon know
I watched him build bridges wherever he'd go
Daddy was a farmer, always out in the field
We never had money, but there was always a meal
He counted his blessings and the Bible he read
I'll never outgrow the words that he said
If I possessed all the wealth in the world
It would not be enough to survive
When I look in the eyes of my children and wife
I can see I've been given the finer things in life
Now I'm a daddy with two little ones
The first a shy princess, then a curious son
Well, they never knew their Grandpa too well
But his message of love I'll continue to tell