A National Securities Identifying Number or NSIN is a generic nine-digit alpha numeric code which identifies a fungible security. The NSIN is issued by a national numbering agency (NNA) designated for that country. Regional substitute NNAs have been allocated the task of functioning as NNAs in those countries where NNAs have not yet been established. NSINs are used as part of the makeup of a product's ISIN.
I light a fire on this night
I still envision your face smile
It's hard to let it go when
In this crazy circumstance
I just want it all to end
It's hard to just let it go
And I know you see the way
I live my life you know I'll be just
Fine but still I miss you so damn hard
Miss you so damn hard
And days seem shorter than they are
Nights seem colder no wonder
When I feel numb
I've got to let it go
And I fight through the night
In a dream I hear your voice in
My head in my head
There you are still smiling at me
Though I know you're not here