The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) provides information and services to communities in the United States attempting to make them conscious of the environment around them. It supports the construction of parks and recreational facilities around the United States. It has been active for over 40 years.
On August 14, 1965, the NRPA was created when five organizations merged to form a single entity. The five merging organizations were all involved in the support of park and recreation service providers in the public sector and included the National Recreation Association (NRA), American Institute of Park Executives (AIPE), American Recreation Society (ARS) the National Conference on State Parks (NCSP), and the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums (an affiliate of AIPE). Their purposes for merging are stated in the October 1964 Proposal for Merger:
"It is the expressed belief of the officers of the American Institute of Park Executives, American Recreation Society, National Conference on State Parks and National Recreation Association that each organization reaffirm its strong conviction that the ever-increasing needs and demands for recreation and park facilities and services can best be served through the selective and unified strengths of lay and professional persons. It is further recognized and reiterated that a united and concerted effort on the part of all aforementioned organizations will result in more effective services. To this end it is believed that these organizations should collectively utilize their collective talents and resources by joining into one service and professional association dedicated to the task of unification effort in the recreation and park field."
Ich blick' in kalte Augen, was ich seh' ist Ignorranz
Nenn mir ein' freien Platz, wenn Du es kannst
Die Weichen in Deinem Kopf sind schon gestellt
Das sind die neuen Normen, die neuen Normen, perfekte Welt
Paßt gut auf Europa auf, vieles nimmt den falschen Lauf
Keine Mauer um den Kontinent, die so viele Kulturen trennt
Lebt bunt, seid frei, mischt euch nicht unter den Einheitsbrei
Individueller Mut, glaub' dran, noch geht's Dir gut
Paßt gut auf Europa auf vieles nimmt den falschen Lauf
Keine Mauer um den Kontinent die so viele Kulturen trennt