In chemical nomenclature, nor- is a prefix to name a structural analog that can be derived from a parent compound by the removal of one carbon atom along with the accompanying hydrogen atoms. The nor-compound can be derived by removal of a CH
3, CH
2, or CH group, or of a C atom. The "nor-" prefix also includes the elimination of a methylene bridge in a cyclic parent compound, followed by ring contraction. (The prefix "homo-" which indicates the next higher member in a homologous series, is usually limited to noncyclic carbons).
"Nor" is an abbreviation of normal. Originally, the term was used to denote the completely demethylated form of the parent compound. Later, the meaning was restricted to the removal of one group. Nor is written directly in front of the stem name, without a hyphen between, unless there is another prefix after nor (for example α-). If multiple groups are eliminated the prefix dinor, trinor, tetranor, etcetera is used. The prefix is preceded by the position number (locant) of the carbon atoms that disappear. For example 2,3-dinor. The original numbering of the parent compound is retained. According to IUPAC nomenclature, this prefix is not written with italic letters and unlike nor, when it is a di or higher nor, at the end of the numbers separated by commas, a hyphen is used. As for example 2,3-dinor-6-keto Prostaglandin F1α is produced by beta oxidation of the parent compound 6-keto Prostaglandin F1α. Here, though actually carbon 1 & 2 are lost by oxidation. The new Carbon 1 has now become a CCOH similar to the parent compound, looking as if just carbon 2 & 3 have been removed from the parent compound. "Dinor" does not have to be reduction in adjacent carbons e.g. 5-Acetyl-4,18-dinor-retinoic acid, where 4 referred to a ring carbon and 18 referred to a methyl group on the 5th carbon on the ring.
Nor may refer to:
Nør may refer to:
NOR may stand for:
This is a list of characters that appear in Gregory Maguire’s Wicked Series
Often lost in thought
Because its unknown territory
Empty heads fill the room I see
I need to breathe, I need to breathe
Thunder claps above me
Lightning dances in front of me
The rain it drenches me
So I take shelter under a tree
Such a nice place to be
Never told a lie, never told a lie
Never told the truth, Never told the truth
Never said a word
I just spoke for the herd
Back on my knees
Awake, I taste the summer breeze
Endless questions torment me
Past the point of insanity, yeah
I may bleed today
Standing up for what I do believe
Suicidal tendencies
No longer, fill me
The uni is inside of me
The stars are shining above me
They radiate astronomically
They are the reason we all stand up straight
Can you feel the light pulsing thru your brain?
Now I stand in awe under a tree
I tread a fine line
A savior awaits on the far side
As the lie begins to blur
One foot trips the other
And then I fall, then I fall
Conscience burning both ends of the fine line
Truth is the most terrible lie of them all
Knowledge adds pain, pain is knowledge
Just burn the brain
(Cello Solo)
Don't take away the summer breeze