The National Military Command Center (NMCC) is a Pentagon command and communications center for the National Command Authority (i.e., the President of the United States and the United States Secretary of Defense). Maintained by the Department of the Air Force as the "DoD Executive Agent" for NMCC logistical, budgetary, facility and systems support; the NMCC operators are in the Joint Staff's J-3 (Operations) Directorate. "The NMCC is responsible for generating Emergency Action Messages (EAMs) to launch control centers, nuclear submarines, recon aircraft and battlefield commanders".
The NMCC has three main missions. The primary task of the NMCC is to monitor worldwide events for the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). The NMCC also has a crisis response component (e.g., response to the bombing of the USS Cole) and a strategic watch component (e.g., monitoring nuclear activity).
This center is not directly necessary to initiate a nuclear attack, but it essentially serves as a communications/operations center for nearby Washington, D.C., particularly with regard to maintaining the American end of the famous U.S.-Russia hotline (the so-called "red telephone"). It coordinated the response to events such as the September 11 attacks, the attack on the USS Liberty, and Payne Stewart's plane crash. The NMCC is responsible for generating Emergency Action Messages (EAMs) to launch control centers, nuclear submarines, recon aircraft, and battlefield commanders worldwide.
Broken wings upon me,
Disappointed's tears
Perverse fortune wakes up
Magnitude of my exist
Waiting for sentence of the death
Suspended in huge vacuum
I still count of fast solution
Imprison pieces of soul
Only aim to destruction
Waiting for the death
I'm hiding in his arms
Mighty lord take of the spell
Take of course that made me blind
Am I over death am I over life
He: Groggy of wasted fear / She: Me against my life,
I,m folding roses on my grave / Me against my heart
Retard remain of human wishes / Me against my love,
Climbing to prevent escape / Me against my blood.
He: Lord of darkness side / She: Lord of darkness side
I entrust to you my life! / Give me back my life!
She: I'm calling you, I'm waiting for your awakening, Rise! across the deadly threshold!
He: I hear your voice, I fell sweet numbness, your tears are falling down on my haunted soul...
Mighty lord take of the spell
Take of course that made me blind
Am I over death am I over life?!
Mighty lord take of the spell
Take of course that made me blind