Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex (NICAM) is an early form of lossy compression for digital audio. It was originally developed in the early 1970s for point-to-point links within broadcasting networks. In the 1980s, broadcasters began to use NICAM compression for transmissions of stereo TV sound to the public.
The idea was first described in 1964. In this, the 'ranging' was to be applied to the analogue signal before the analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) and after the digital-to-analogue converter (DAC). The application of this to broadcasting, in which the companding was to be done entirely digitally after the ADC and before the DAC, was described in a 1972 BBC Research Report.
NICAM was originally intended to provide broadcasters with six high-quality audio channels within a total bandwidth of 2048 kbit/s. This figure was chosen to match the E1 primary multiplex rate, and systems using this rate could make use of the planned PDH national and international telecommunications networks.
[Catalan language]
En sortir amb ímpetu del son
Tot cavalcant com si fos el primer cop
Desconeixes la ignorància que ens envolta en un entorn
Descobreixes camins de boires que t'acompanyen amb
Continuaràs la ruta amb el fang, fins a sentir-te inclòs
Arribaràs amb rosada a les parpelles com si no fos un
Topes amb els murs que tenies davant, dins el més fred
Però recordes l'experiència d'un paisatge homenatjant el
Confisca, doncs, de la realitat, l'ara, un bocí de
bellesa per sempre
I demana per un instant, la tramuntana de cara, com el
més ferm repte
Continuaràs la ruta amb el fang, fins a sentir-te inclòs
Arribaràs amb rosada a les parpelles com si no fos un