National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) is an incident-based reporting system used by law enforcement agencies in the United States for collecting and reporting data on crimes. Local, state and federal agencies generate NIBRS data from their records management systems. Data is collected on every incident and arrest in the Group A offense category. These Group A offenses are 46 specific crimes grouped in 22 offense categories. Specific facts about these offenses are gathered and reported in the NIBRS system. In addition to the Group A offenses, eleven Group B offenses are reported with only the arrest information.
Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) began in the late 1920s when the Committee on Uniform Crime Records, established by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) in 1927, published the first version of the Uniform Crime Reporting Handbook. With this initiative, the Uniform Crime Reports program began under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Over the years, the uniform crime report developed into a broad utility for summary-based reporting of crimes. By the late 1970s, the law enforcement community saw the need for a more detailed crime reporting program that would meet the needs of law enforcement agencies in the 21st century.
Neighbors, neighbors, neighbors
Have I got neighbors?
Have I got neighbors?
All day and all night
Have I got neighbors?
Ringing my doorbells
All day and all night
Ladies, have I got crazies?
Screaming young babies
No piece and no quiet
I got T.V.'s, saxophone playing
Groaning and straining
With the trouble and strife
Is it any wonder
Is it any wonder
Is it any wonder
That we fuss and fight
Neighbors, due unto strangers
Do unto neighbors
What you do to yourself, yourself, yourself
Is it any wonder
Is it any wonder
Is it any wonder
That we fuss and fight
Neighbors do unto strangers
Do onto neighbors what you do to yourself
Yourself, yourself, yourself
Neighbors, neighbors, neighbors
Neighbors, neighbors, neighbors
Do yourself a favour
Don't you mess with my baby
When I'm working all night
You know that neighbors
Steal off my table
Steal off my table
And doing alright, alright, alright
Neighbors do unto strangers
Do unto strangers