The National Electricity Market Management Company Limited (NEMMCO) was the market operator for the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM). NEMMCO was established in 1996 to administer and manage the NEM. On 1 July 2009, NEMMCO was succeeded by the Australian Energy Market Operator.
The governments of Queensland, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania were members of NEMMCO. Each of these governments nominated a director to the NEMMCO board.
NEMMCO was a company under Corporations law. It operated on a break-even basis by recovering the costs of operating the NEM and running the organisation by levying fees against market participants. The fees were complex, and comprised both fixed and variable components that took into account the type of participant and their share of trade in the market. The structure of fees payable to NEMMCO was determined periodically, while the actual fee levels were set annually.
NEMMCO managed the market and power system from two control centres in different states. Both centres operated around the clock, and were equipped with identical communication and information technology systems. The entire NEM, or individual regions within it, could be operated from either or both centres. This arrangement was a means of ensuring continuous supply despite the risks that natural disasters or other events presented, and provided NEMMCO with the flexibility to respond quickly to dramatic changes in the market or the power system.
Broken wings upon me,
Disappointed's tears
Perverse fortune wakes up
Magnitude of my exist
Waiting for sentence of the death
Suspended in huge vacuum
I still count of fast solution
Imprison pieces of soul
Only aim to destruction
Waiting for the death
I'm hiding in his arms
Mighty lord take of the spell
Take of course that made me blind
Am I over death am I over life
He: Groggy of wasted fear / She: Me against my life,
I,m folding roses on my grave / Me against my heart
Retard remain of human wishes / Me against my love,
Climbing to prevent escape / Me against my blood.
He: Lord of darkness side / She: Lord of darkness side
I entrust to you my life! / Give me back my life!
She: I'm calling you, I'm waiting for your awakening, Rise! across the deadly threshold!
He: I hear your voice, I fell sweet numbness, your tears are falling down on my haunted soul...
Mighty lord take of the spell
Take of course that made me blind
Am I over death am I over life?!
Mighty lord take of the spell
Take of course that made me blind