NBA Live 09, sometimes called NBA Live 2009, is the 2008 installment in the NBA Live series, developed and published by Electronic Arts. The original release date was October 7, 2008. The game features Tony Parker of the San Antonio Spurs on the cover in most markets (this is Parker's second appearance on the cover; he also appeared on the French version of NBA Live 07). The Wii version of the game, developed by HB Studios, is titled NBA Live 09 All-Play and launched under EA Sports' new All-Play brand exclusive to the platform. This was the last NBA Live game released for the PlayStation 2 and the Wii.
While Parker appears on the cover in the US and most international markets, some international versions feature players from those areas:
Dynamic DNA is a new feature in NBA Live 09 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii and PlayStation 2, though it is not available for the PlayStation Portable. It breaks down how a team scores, sets up offense and how individual players go about on offense. It also updates players accessories, haircuts, facial hair changes and shoes. It is updated daily through NBA Live 365. It has been claimed that this new feature adds a more realistic feel to the gameplay was featured.
NBA Live is a series of basketball video games, published by EA Sports. It is the successor to EA's previous NBA Playoffs and NBA Showdown series. Its main competitor is the NBA 2K series by 2K Sports and formerly Sega.
The predecessor of the NBA Live series was the NBA Playoffs series, which featured Lakers vs. Celtics, released first in 1989 for MS-DOS-compatible PCs and later adapted for consoles in early 1990 for the Sega Mega Drive. This game was played from a horizontal view (while later versions moved to an isometric view before ultimately moving to 3D on newer consoles). The game was one of the first to feature an NBA license, containing both real NBA teams and player likenesses and signature moves. Details such as Horace Grant's goggles are clearly visible, and Michael Jordan's "Air Reverse Layup" is animated with very high accuracy. Player numbers were also visible. The game featured only eight of the sixteen teams that qualified for the NBA playoffs that year, as well as both NBA All-Star teams.
NBA Live 14 is a basketball video game released on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2013.NBA Live 14 features Kyrie Irving of the Cleveland Cavaliers as its cover athlete. It is one of the most negatively received games in its franchise. NBA Live 14 was followed by NBA Live 15 which was released in October 2014. The game marks the first installment in the series since NBA Live 10.
The first gameplay for the game was shown at the Xbox One reveal event in a trailer by EA Sports, showing off the new IGNITE game engine. The game was released on November 19, 2013.
NBA Live 14 has received generally unfavorable reviews and currently holds a Metacritic score of 43/100 on the PS4 and 360 on the Xbox One. IGN gave the game a 4.3/10 with reviewer Jec Julio saying that "NBA Live’s flaccid return is made all the more disappointing because we waited three years for it. After all that time, NBA Live 14 in no way advances the basketball sim genre and, worse, leaves little to be optimistic about for next year." However, he did say that the Big Moments and the Ultimate Team modes were a positive.GamesRadar gave it a 2.5/5, comparing it to NBA 2K14 with reviewer Richard Grisham saying "The on-court gameplay doesn't look very next-gen-like, especially when compared to its NBA 2K14 counterpart." While he praised the controls in 5-On-5, the Pick-and-Roll mechanic and the ESPN presentation, he critiqued the animations and physics, the glitches, and that the Rising Star mode wasn't fully built yet.
NBA Live 08 is the 2007 installment of the NBA Live series by EA Sports. It was released for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, PlayStation 2, Windows and PlayStation Portable. This is the first NBA video game to include all three next-generation consoles. It was the last NBA Live game for the Windows platform.
It features Gilbert Arenas of the Washington Wizards as the cover athlete in most versions, but some international versions have players from those areas:
There are eight national teams featured in the game:
In addition to the contemporary USA team, there are also two USA Dream Teams.
The game was met with average to very mixed reception. GameRankings and Metacritic gave it a score of 73.70% for the PlayStation 3 version; 73.13% and 73 out of 100 for the PSP version; 72.85% and 73 out of 100 for the Xbox 360 version; 66.45% and 68 out of 100 for the PlayStation 2 version; 65% and 67 out of 100 for the PC version; and 52.80% and 52 out of 100 for the Wii version.
Ik lig gebroken in mijn bed
Heb net de douche weer uitgezet
Ik wilde wel maar het ging niet echt
Mn kater won weer het gevecht?k heb weer verloren van de fles
Kan niemand mij zo zien
Stond wat te praten in het cafe
Een aantal vrienden met me mee
Ik zag je niet maar jij kwam aan
En ging meteen dicht bij me staan
Je gooide alle remmen los
Leuke tijd, maar nu ben ik t kwijt
Als de morgen is gekomen
En alles wat?k heb mee gemaakt Allang verdwenen is
Als de morgen is gekomen
Verlaat je mijn verleden en ben jij degene die ik mis
Ik was zo blij dat jij der was
Alleen je vulde steeds mijn glas
De lampen aan mijn lichtje uit
Het Laatste rondje tot besluit
Het was aan t einde van de dag
Maar voor mij was die allang voorbij
Als de morgen is gekomen
En alles wat ik heb mee gemaakt
Allang verdwenen is
Als de morgen is gekomen
Verlaat je mijn verleden en ben jij degene die ik mis
Hoop dat me dit nooit meer gebeurd
Het is al te laat maar niet getreurd
Ik heb geleerd van wat je mij hebt aangedaan
Als de morgen is gekomen
En alles wat ik heb meegemaakt allang verdwenen is
Als de morgen is gekomen
Verlaat je mijn verleden en ben jij degene die ik mis