National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities

Founded in 1976, the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) is an organization of private US colleges and universities. NAICU has over 1,000 United States independent higher education institutions.

NAICU staff meets with policymakers, helps coordinate the joint activities of state-level private college associations, and advises members of legislative and regulatory developments with potential impact on their institutions.

NAICU has three main federal advocacy goals. First, to ensure that federal student aid programs help to provide all Americans with access to the college of their choice. Second, to seek appropriate regulation of private colleges and universities that is sensitive to their diversity and independence while addressing society’s needs. And third, to promote tax policies that help families pay for college and also helps private colleges fulfill their distinctive missions.

In addition, NAICU works cooperatively with its fellow presidential associations, as well as the many other specialized higher education associations, in spearheading major public initiatives. Such projects include: the Student Aid Alliance, an effort to enhance funding for existing student aid programs; the non-partisan National Campus Voter Registration Project that helps colleges and universities encourage voter registration and increase voter education in presidential and congressional elections; and CampusCares, a national campaign to recognize the community service performed by millions of students, faculty and staff.



No preguntes por qué

by: Nek

Tus ojos dejan ver la verdad
sé que llueve desde que no está
sé también que no es fácil estar solo
hay tanto que olvidar si el amor
se arrepiente y dice que se va
sin querer, el corazón
mira hacia atrás
y no hay forma de aprender
a estar vivo y no caer
y empezar otra vez
No preguntes por qué
ya no sois los de ayer
que es un juego sin reglas la pasión
que te puedo ayudar
que te ayude a curar
las heridas que deja el desamor
si tan solo hay dolor
ya habrá un tiempo mejor
De nada sirve ya remover
las cenizas que dejó el placer
no vendrá, no repitas más su nombre
que aunque te engañes el adios
es calle de una sola dirección
se marchó
y hay que dar
cuerda al corazón
Se que estas tocando fondo
pero asómate
la ciudad te está invitando
vamos muevete
Que otros labios de mujer
te darán mañana de beber
a sentir
otra vez
