In language, a reflexive pronoun, sometimes simply called a reflexive, is a pronoun that is preceded or followed by the noun, adjective, adverb or pronoun to which it refers (its antecedent) within the same clause.
In English specifically, a reflexive pronoun is a pronoun that ends in self or selves, and is an object that refers to a previously named noun or pronoun. Reflexive pronouns take the same forms as intensive pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, ourselves, itself, themselves, yourselves
In generative grammar, a reflexive pronoun is an anaphor that must be bound by its antecedent (see binding). In a general sense, it is a noun phrase that obligatorily gets its meaning from another noun phrase in the sentence. Different languages have different binding domains for reflexive pronouns, according to their structure.
In Indo-European languages, the reflexive pronoun has its origins in Proto-Indo-European. In some languages, the distinction between the normal object and reflexive pronouns exists mainly in the third person: whether one says "I like me" or "I like myself", there is no question that the object is the same person as the subject; but, in "They like them(selves)", there can be uncertainty about the identity of the object unless a distinction exists between the reflexive and the nonreflexive. In some languages, this distinction includes genitive forms: see, for instance, the Danish examples below. In languages with a distinct reflexive pronoun form, it is often gender-neutral.
Myself is the eleventh studio album of Taiwanese female singer Jolin Tsai (Chinese: 蔡依林). It was released on 13 August 2010 by Warner Music Taiwan. It was the best-selling female album of 2010 in Taiwan, with 65,000 copies sold in Taiwan. The singles, "Honey Trap" (美人計), "Nothing Left to Say" (無言以對) and "Love Player" (玩愛之徒), were the 2010 Hit FM Annual Top 100 Chart number one, number twenty, and number fifty-five singles. Tsai was nominated for a Golden Melody Awards for Best Music Video for the music video of "Honey Trap" (美人計).
2nd is an EP released by the Finnish rock band The Rasmus in 1996. It was originally released by the record label Warner Music Finland.
2nd is, just like 1st, often described as a regular single. Since the title is not a name of any songs from the album Peep (where all songs appears on), it counts as an EP.
The Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (STFU) was founded in 1934 as a civil farmer's union to further organize the tenant farmers in the Southern United States.
Originally set up during the Great Depression in the United States, the reasons for the establishment of the STFU are numerous, although they are all largely centered upon money and working conditions. Predominantly, the STFU was established as a response to policies of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA). The AAA itself was designed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to help revive the United States' agricultural industry and to recharge the depressed economy.
The AAA called for a reduction in food production, which would, through a controlled shortage of food, raise the price for any given food item through supply and demand. The desired effect was that the agricultural industry would once again prosper due to the increased value and produce more income for farmers. In order to decrease food production, the AAA would pay farmers not to farm and the money would go to the landowners. The landowners were expected to share this money with the tenant farmers. While a small percentage of the landowners did share the income, the majority did not. This led to the formation of the STFU, whose existence serves historically as evidence that such a problem existed.