Fungivory or mycophagy is the process of organisms consuming fungi. Many different organisms have been recorded to gain their energy from consuming fungi, including birds, mammals, insects, plants, amoeba, gastropods, nematodes, bacteria and other fungi. Some of these, which only eat fungi are called fungivores whereas others eat fungi as only part of their diet, being omnivores.
Many mammals eat fungi, but only a few feed exclusively on fungi, most are opportunistic feeders and fungi only make up part of their diet. At least 22 species of primate, including humans, bonobos, colobines, gorillas, lemurs, macaques, mangabeys, marmosets and vervet monkeys are known to feed on fungi. Most of these species spend less than 5% of the time they spend feeding, eating fungi and they therefore form only a small part of their diet. Some species spend longer foraging for fungi and they account for a greater part of their diet; buffy-tufted marmosets spend up to 12% of their time consuming sporocarps, Goeldi’s monkeys spend up to 63% of their time doing so and the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey spends up to 95% of its feeding time eating lichens. Fungi are comparatively very rare in tropical rainforests compared to other food sources such as fruit and leaves and they are also distributed more sparsely and appear unpredictably, making them a challenging source of food for Goeldi’s monkeys.
Me equivoque contigo, me euivoque a lo macho
Como muy pocas gentes, se habran equivocado
Te conoci en la iglesia, y te mire en silecio
Por no turrbar tu reso, que para mi es sagrado
Por tu carita buena, por tu mirada clara
Por tantas otras cosas, hubiera yo jurado
Pero que triste realidad me as ofresido
Que desepcion tan grande haberte conosido
Quien sabe Dios porque te puso en mi camino
Me equivoque contigo, como si no supiera
Que las mas grandes peneas, las debo a mis amores
Me equivoque contigo, despues de tantos anos
De tantas amarguras y de tantas decepsiones
Pero te alle en la iglesia, con tu carita buena
Me iso formar de nuevo un mundo de ilusiones
Pero que triste realidad me as ofresido
Que decepsion tan grande haberte conocido
Quien sabe dios porque te puso en my camino
Me equivoque contigo