Mycobacterium malmoense
Mycobacterium malmoense is a Gram-positive bacterium from the genus Mycobacterium.
From the city of Malmö, Sweden where the strain used for the description was isolated from patients.
Gram-positive, nonmotile, acid-fast and coccoid to short rods.
Environmental reservoir: soil and water.
Colony characteristics
Smooth and nonpigmented colonies, growth below the surface of semisolid agar medium after deep inoculation (as seen with M. bovis), 0.9 - 1.7mm in diameter.
Growth on inspissated egg medium and oleic acid-albumin agar at a temperature range of 22°C-37°C requires over 1 week.
Susceptible to ethambutol, ethionamide, kanamycin and cycloserine.
Differential characteristics
Antigenic structure: seroagglutination demonstrates a single serovar distinct from that of other species.
Usually infects young children with cervical lymphadenitis or adults with chronic pulmonary disease, (mostly with previously documented pneumoconiosis).
Rarely causes extrapulmonary diseases and disseminated infections