Muteness or mutism is an inability to speak caused by a speech disorder. The term originates from the Latin word mutus, meaning "silent".


Causes [link]

Those who are physically mute may have problems with the parts of the human body required for human speech (the throat, vocal cords, lungs, mouth, or tongue, etc.). Being mute is often associated with deafness as people who have been unable to hear from birth may not be able to articulate words correctly (see Deaf-mute). A person can be born mute, or become mute later in life as a result of injury or disease.

Trauma or injury to the Broca's Area of the brain can cause muteness.

Variations [link]

Selective mutism is a disorder related to social anxiety in which people are unable to speak in specific anxiety-producing situations but speak fluently in more comfortable situations.

Hearing mutism is an obsolete term used in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century for specific language impairment.[1]

Akinetic mutism is inability to speak (mutism) and move (akinesia). It is the result of severe frontal lobe injury in which the pattern of inhibitory control is one of increasing passivity and gradually decreasing speech and motion.

Coping with mutism [link]

Some mute patients have adapted with their disability by using machines that vibrate their vocal cords, allowing them to speak. Others learn sign language in order to communicate. The computer age also facilitates communication, both with smart phones and the internet.

See also [link]

References [link]

  1. ^ Page 6 in: Leonard, Laurence B. (1998). Children with specific language impairment. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-62136-3.

