A mustang is a free-ranging horse of the American west.
Mustang may also refer to:
Mustang! is the first full-length album by Dragon Ash. It was released in 1997 and, although not their first release, it is considered their debut full-length album and first major commercial release into the Japanese music market.
Vitis mustangensis, commonly known as the mustang grape, is a species of grape that is native to the southern United States. Its range includes parts of Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, and Oklahoma.
This woody species produces small clusters of hard green fruit that ripen into soft 3⁄4-inch (2 cm) dark purple berries in August-September.
They have a thick outer layer of flesh and on average contain four seeds. This variety of grape is recognized by the white velvet-like underside of the leaves, and often covers small trees, shrubs, fences and other objects that it grows near.
The fruit can be potentially irritating to the skin when picked or eaten, and are mildly unpleasant to eat because of bitterness and high acidity content.
The grape has a culinary use as jelly and grape juice, both of which are typically sweetened with sugar so as to be palatable. The fruit and leaves of Mustang Grapes may also be used to dye wool.
Mustang grapes have also been used to make mustang wine since before the Civil War.
Bleeding usually means the loss of blood from the body.
Bleeding, bleed or bleeder may also refer to:
Bleed is the fourth studio album by German heavy metal band Angel Dust, released in 1999. The band took a slightly darker direction on the album, without losing the power metal melodies they explored with their previous studio album, Border of Reality.
Bleed is an action-oriented platform video game developed by Bootdisk Revolution. The game was originally released for Xbox Live Indie Games on December 12, 2012.Bleed was later released for Windows and OS X on February 22, 2013 through Desura and the developer’s website, and through Steam on July 3, 2013.
Bleed is a platform game that focuses on combat. In the game’s story mode, the player must navigate seven levels, each ending with a boss battle. The player can carry weapons that are used to defeat the enemies that populate each level. Weapons can be fired in any direction using the mouse or a controller's analog stick. The player can equip up to two weapons at a time and switch between them freely, and the player can change their equipped weapons at any time by pausing the game. The player can also jump to avoid obstacles and reach platforms. After initially jumping off of the ground, the player can jump up to two more times in mid-air or off of nearby walls. Bleed also allows the player to slow time briefly in order to dodge hard-to-avoid hazards.