Convolution (computer science)
In computer science, specifically formal languages, convolution (sometimes referred to as zip) is a function which maps a tuple of sequences into a sequence of tuples.
Given the three words and, fish and be where |and| is 3, |fish| is 4 and |be| is 2. Let
denote the longest word which is fish;
. The convolution of and, fish, be is then 4 tuples of elements:
where # is a symbol not in the original alphabet. In Haskell this truncates to shortest sequence
, where
Let Σ be an alphabet, # a symbol not in Σ.
Let x1x2... x|x|, y1y2... y|y|, z1z2... z|z|, ... be n words (i.e. finite sequences) of elements of Σ. Let
denote the length of the longest word, i.e. the maximum of |x|, |y|, |z|, ... .
The convolution of these words is a finite sequence of n-tuples of elements of (Σ ∪ {#}), i.e. an element of
where for any index i > |w|, the wi is #.
The convolution of x, y, z, ... is denoted conv( x, y, z, ...), zip( x, y, z, ...) or x ⋆ y ⋆ z ⋆ ...
The inverse to convolution is sometimes denoted unzip.