Multiforce is a vehicle-based Autobot team exclusive to Japan/Takara.
Transformers: Generation 1
It is composed of:
Dash (car/robot) - Sun Power
Mach (shuttle/robot) - Space Assault - Moon Power
Tacker (truck/robot) - Fire Power
Tackle (truck/robot) - Situation Analyst - Earth Power
Waver (hydrofoil/robot) - Water Power
Wing (jet/robot) - Team Leader, Air Power
Landcross - The team's combined form.
Although any two members are capable of combining to form a single robot, they are usually paired off to form the robots Wingwaver, Machtackle, and Dashtracker. All six members combine to form the gestalt Landcross. Landcross is a powerful warrior best suited for battle on Earth. His weapon of choice is the Hybrid Gun; a gun made up of all the weapons of the individual Multiforce members. His final attack is called the "Multi Hybrid Thunder". With this attack Landcross launches a torpedo derived from the six energies that make up the Multiforce: wind, water, moon, earth, sun and fire.
With their new stealth modes the members of Multiforce can become invisible.