2 June Movement
2 June Movement (German: Bewegung 2. Juni) was a West German violent non-state actor based in West Berlin. Active from 1971–1980, the anarchist group was one of the few violent groups at the time in West Germany. Although 2 June Movement did not share the same ideology as the Red Army Faction (Baader-Meinhof Gang), these extremist organizations were allies. The 2 June Movement did not establish as much influence in West Germany as their Marxist counterparts, but is best known for kidnapping West Berlin mayoral candidate Peter Lorenz.
Rising from the ashes of political group Kommune 1 and violent extremist group Tupamaros West-Berlin, 2 June Movement was formed in 1971. In contrast to the Red Army Faction, 2 June Movement was anarchist, rather than Marxist. This organization derived their name from the date that German university student Benno Ohnesorg was killed by police in 1967. Participating in a protest of Germany's meeting with Iran, Ohnesorg was shot when the demonstrators were attacked by police. His death propelled the left-wing movement in West Germany, influencing politicians, political activists, and violent extremist groups. Although the organization never became particularly notorious, 2 June Movement was most recognized in the first phase of German post-World War II terrorism.