Mouda is a town and a tehsil in Ramtek subdivision of Nagpur district in Nagpur revenue Division in the Berar region in the state of Maharashtra, India. The total area covered under this tehsil is around 61293.17 hectares. The population of this tehsil is around 37554 (Male- 19566 ; Female 17978 )according to 1991 census. The nearest city to Mouda is Nagpur which is 30 km away. The total villages in this tehsil are 41. Mouda is famous for its fertile agriculture land which makes the district being called as "Orange city"(Nagpur). Therefore, the main occupation is farming. Average Rainfall in this area is estimated to be around 1223.3mm. It is located on the banks of Kanhan River and National Highway 6.
The administration of the tehsil is done by Panchayat Samiti. There are 18 Gram Panchayats in this tehsil. Mouda has police station, postoffice located at the centre of the tehsil. There are 10 general hospitals and 2 veterinary hospitals.
The number of primary schools in Mouda are 45,while secondary schools are 7 in number and higher secondary schools also are 7. Two colleges are in Mouda and one industrial training center.
They came from the other side
In bunches at a time
Crowding up the neighborhood
To raise the rates of crime
Some of them got money
Most of them got shit
All they do is come here
To take from our pockets
Import, import, imported society
Import, import, imported society
Import, import, imported society
Import, import, imported society
Don't you fucking see
That you bother me
You can't hide
So go home now
Don't come back
Take your goat
Get on your boat
I hate imports
I don't want to hear their shit
I hate imports
Cause I'm just so sick of it
I just want to
Live my life without you fucking assholes
And I want to
Never see your ass again
Import, import, imported society
Import, import, imported society
Import, import, imported society
Import, import, imported society
Hindus and Ethiopians
You know they're all the same
A huck a buck of Indians