The Motorola 68008 is an 8/16/32-bit microprocessor made by Motorola. It is a version of the Motorola 68000 with an 8-bit external data bus, as well as a smaller address bus.
The original 68000 (introduced in 1979) had a 24-bit address bus and a 16-bit data bus. These relatively large buses made it hard to design a low-cost system based on the 68000; they were difficult to lay out on a circuit board and needed a lot of supporting circuitry. A 16-bit data bus also required twice as many memory chips as an 8-bit one.
The 68008, introduced in 1982, was designed to work with low-cost 8-bit memory systems. Because of its smaller data bus, it was only about half as fast as a 68000 of the same clock speed. However, it was still faster than competing 8-bit microprocessors, because the 68008 internally was based on 32-bit data registers and a 16-bit data bus.
Except for its smaller data and address buses, the 68008 behaved identically to the 68000 and had the same internal organization and microarchitecture.
I can smell it on the pavement
It's about to rain
And you can feed me all the pills you want
But you cannot stop the pain
Am I forcing my hand to write this down
Today is the day I finally realized
That I can't rely on anyone except myself
So you think you understand me
You're so anxious to evaluate
Maybe I'm well
Maybe I'm fine
Maybe I'm in love
Am I forcing my hand to write this down
Today is the day I finally realized
That I can't rely on anyone except myself
Don't just stand there, it's about to rain
You were never one to worry.
Maybe my dreams are just more interesting
Than my reality
All this time
See it through my eyes
Am I forcing my hand