Morteros is a city and municipality in the San Justo Departament in the north east of the Córdoba Province, Argentina.
The city of Morteros is one of the most important in the San Justo Department, it is located near the intersection of two major highways RP 1 and RP 17 and near the ferrocarril Central Argentino.
Morteros is located around 210 km from the provincial capital Córdoba (280 by road) and 155 km from Santa Fe
Morteros is located around 17 km from the eastern shore of Mar Chiquita.
The micro region around Morteros is an ecotone between the Humid Pampa semi arid Gran Chaco region. The temperature varies between 12 °C and 30 °C with an annual average of 23 °C. The first frost can be expected on March 21 and the last on September 5. The average precipitation is 700 mm/year.
Local flora include the chañar, tala, Quebracho, caranday and the yatay.
Before the arrival of the conquistadores in the 16th Century the area was populated by ethnic Sanavirónes and Mocovíes.
Die for your faith,
die for your faith,
die for your faith,
die for what you believe in
Verse 1
Small group in Cambodia,
gather in the mud brick room,
teachers shares The Word,
then they kneed and pray,
communist soldiers storm the door,
throw the Bible to the floor,
spit upon this book
or you will breath your last
one by one they spit and cry
they're in fear of their lives
a young girl wipes her Jesus dry
shot in the head she dies.
Chorus repeat
Verse 2
Evil man killing the christians
satan gives him the false abuse,
but as he reads The Bible truth,
he converst to the Christian Faith,
taken to the evil leaders, he is a disgrace
thrown into a slime filled pit,
eaten by rats for his new Faith.
Chorus repeat
Verse 3
Preaching man in china,
taken from hias family home,
thrown into a prison cell,
for no criminal reason,
rotting and tortured in his fate,
he will not deny his Faith,
he knows the truth of Christian ways,
no brutal force will make him change.