Morphine, sold under many trade names, is a pain medication of the opiate type. It acts directly on the central nervous system (CNS) to decrease the feeling of pain. It can be used for both acute pain and chronic pain. Morphine is also frequently used for pain from myocardial infarction and during labour. It can be given by mouth, by injection into a muscle, by injecting under the skin, intravenously, into the space around the spinal cord, or rectally. Maximum effect is around 20 min when given intravenously and 60 min when given by mouth while duration of effect is between three and seven hours. Long-acting formulations also exist.
Potentially serious side effects include a decreased respiratory effort and low blood pressure. Morphine has a high potential for addiction and abuse. If the dose is reduced after long-term use, withdrawal may occur. Common side effects include drowsiness, vomiting, and constipation. Caution is advised when used during pregnancy or breast feeding, as morphine will affect the infant.
Morphia was a Dutch symphonic death/doom metal band formed in 1995. Having performed concerts with groups such as After Forever, Epica, Autumn, Orphanage and Imperia, Morphia has established themselves as one of the more prominent symphonic doom metal bands in the Netherlands. Signed to Dutch Fear Dark Records, Morphia has released 3 studio albums, musically evolving from death metal to gothic doom over the years. The band name comes from morphine, a medical drug used to relieve pain, but it is also a reference to Morpheus, the principal god of dreams in the Greek mythology.
In 1995, Werner Wensink (vocals/bass),Bert Bonestroo (mixer), Martin Koedoot (guitar), Roger Koedoot (guitar), Ernst Jan Lemmen (drums), and Peter Tulder (keyboards) formed Morphia as a death metal band, which evolved over time to symphonic doom metal. In 1997, they released a demo CD titled Poison Minded. In 1998, they recorded their first album titled Unfulfilled Dreams, which was published in 1999. Once they reached a certain reputation, the singer Werner left the band. When Jasper Pieterson joined as a singer for the band, they wrote new songs, and recorded them in 2001 for the second album titled Frozen Dust. Morphia signed a record deal with the Dutch label Fear Dark which released the album in 2002. Over the time Morphia played with well-known groups such as After Forever and Saviour Machine. In November 2004, the band released their third album titled Fading Beauty.
Morphia, also called morphine, is a highly potent opiate analgesic drug.
Morphia may also refer to:
Call may refer to:
A caller is a person who prompts dance figures in such dances as line dance, square dance, and contra dance. The caller might be one of the participating dancers, though in modern country dance this is rare.
In round dance a person who performs this function is called a cuer. Their role is fundamentally the same as a caller, in that they tell dancers what to do in a given dance, though they differ on several smaller points. In northern New England contra dancing, the caller is also known as the prompter.
Callers and cuers serve slightly different functions in different types of dance. Improvisation in modern Western square dance calling distinguishes it from the calling in many other types of dance.
Callers in many dance types are expected to sing and to be entertaining, but round dance cuers do not sing and are expected to be as unobtrusive as possible.
Standardized dances such as round dance, modern Western square dance, and Salsa Rueda consist of a number of defined difficulty levels. Callers and cuers are responsible for knowing all of the calls or cues (respectively), also known as figures, for the defined difficulty level at which their dancers are dancing, as well as all figures belonging to lower or easier levels.
In the game of poker, the play largely centers on the act of betting, and as such, a protocol has been developed to speed up play, lessen confusion, and increase security while playing. Different games are played using different types of bets, and small variations in etiquette exist between cardrooms, but for the most part the following rules and protocol are observed by the majority of poker players.
Players in a poker game act in turn, in clockwise rotation (acting out of turn can negatively affect other players). When it is a player's turn to act, the first verbal declaration or action she takes binds her to her choice of action; this rule prevents a player from changing her action after seeing how other players react to her initial, verbal action.
Until the first bet is made each player in turn may "check," which is to not place a bet, or "open," which is to make the first bet. After the first bet each player may "fold," which is to drop out of the hand losing any bets they have already made; "call," which is to match the highest bet so far made; or "raise," which is to increase the previous high bet.
Hai resistito ai devastanti effetti
del mio passaggio e per la cronaca
ricordo l'ora e i minuti esatti
lo dico senza retorica
Purtroppo non era solo un gioco
per provocare un comportamento
ogni reazione serviva a poco
nemmeno dirsi addio
Come mi avrebbe mai dato aiuto
un'espressione dell'ottocento?
Fra le macerie del terremoto
non ero stato mai
una risata con l'eco
rimbalza cadendo in piedi
il mio pensiero
rendendomi allegro
Cammino ubriaco
trascinandomi via
come un foglio spazzato
attraverso la strada
vado su per le scale
e non guardo mai giù
se mi concentro
riesco a restare in equilibrio
E mi risveglio
appiccicato a un muro
come se fossi una pubblicitÃ
con un risvolto di muschio cresciuto
sul mio vestito in una manica
fra le macerie del terremoto
ho festeggiato il mio compleanno
nella baracca che ho fabbricato
non sono entrato mai
di questa stella che ho messo a fuoco
io sono l'unico proprietario
la uso come mio lampadario
nel buio che si fa
ho stabilito il mio record
di resistenza alla vita
e stranamente
mi sento leggero
Cammino ubriaco
sotto il cavalcavia
salutando i bidoni
cresciuti sull'erba
tra il freddo dei vetri
ho pensato anche a te
i tuoi abbracci così taglienti
Barcollo spaesato
trascinandomi via
come un foglio spazzato
attraverso la strada
vado su per le scale
e non guardo mai giù
se mi concentro
riesco a restare in equilibrio
in equilibrio